Page 80 of Sinful Betrayal

“I’m here.” I reach for my phone, taking it off speaker.

Nikolai is silent, and for a beat, I wonder if he’s hung up, but I hear the sound of traffic in the background that tells me he’s still on the line.

Is he seriously going to make me talk first?

“I take it you got my voicemail.”

Nikolai huffs a laugh. “Yeah, I did.”

“I don’t regret what I said, but I apologize for being drunk while I said it.”

“Never had you down as a drunk dialer, brother. But I deserve a hell of a lot worse than an angry voicemail.”

“You’re right about that.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t gotten in touch sooner.”

It’s strange to hear his voice. It’s been at least a year since we last spoke, but I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw him in the flesh. It can’t have been long after my mother got her diagnosis as that’s what finally pushed Nikolai away.

“Mama’s been asking for you a lot.” I know I shouldn’t guilt trip my brother, but he should know the reality of what’s been happening during his absence.

“I didn’t think she’d remember me.”

“She remembers you fine.”

Nikolai is quiet for a moment, and I silently curse.

Snapping at him won’t make him want to come back, it will only push him away further. “She misses you. We all do.”

“I appreciate that. Do I even want to know how you got my new number?”


Nikolai laughs, the sound so nostalgic that I feel a smile tug at my lips. I’ve missed that sound.

“Why am I not surprised.” Nikolai chuckles. “Bet she’s pissed at me too.”

“She’s pissed at everyone.”

Nikolai laughs again, and I rub my hand over my jaw.

“You’ve missed a lot.”

“I know. I never meant to, but every time I thought about coming to see you, to see Mama, I just found a reason not to.”

“I appreciate that it’s not easy to see her like this, but she needs her family more than ever.”

“How bad is she?”

“It varies day to day. She’s deteriorating quickly, Nikolai. But I’m sure seeing you will cheer her up.”

“I promise I will come and visit Mama soon.”

“I’ve heard that before, Nikolai.”

“I know. But I’m trying to be better.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”