Page 60 of Unexpected Gifts

“Are these good?” Abby asked the clerk. “Like top of the line?”

“One of the best,” he said.

The only one left on her list was Luke. As well as she’d gotten to know him in the last few weeks, she’d not seen him do anything but work, take care of Lily, and plan thoughtful outings for them all. He was a man with little time for hobbies.

All afternoon, she had the feeling that she was forgetting something. By the time she was headed out to Grace and Walter’s, she’d decided it was just unfounded anxiety.

On the way home, she hummed along to Christmas tunes as she drove, smiling to herself as thoughts of Luke invaded her mind. Not unusual. She thought of him a thousand times a day. This preoccupation with a man was so foreign to her that she hardly recognized herself. When she arrived home, she stayed in the car for a few minutes to text her friends, Arabella and Breck, in their group chat.

Abby: I met someone. I think there’s something special between us. I’m falling hard. It’s weird.

She explained to them about Luke and Lily, then described all the time they’d been spending together.

Texts came in almost immediately.

Breck: Does this mean the great freeze of Abby Parker’s heart has come to an end?

Abby texted back: Very funny. My heart’s never been frozen. I just hadn’t met anyone I was interested in.

Breck: I beg to disagree. You’ve been the most focused person I’ve ever met. I’m still bummed you couldn’t join me here, but I’m glad you’re able to be there for those kids. I’ve not found anyone suitable to bring in as my partner, so if youchange your mind and want to bring the kids to Emerson Pass, the offer still stands.

Abby: They’re precious and doing well, but moving them away from their childhood home and friends is not what they need. I’ve fallen head over heels for both of them and they seem to like me too. Maybe I wasn’t the worst choice to take them after all. That’s still debatable, but I have hope.

From Arabella: Regarding the cute boy, I’m happy for you. Take it slow. You don’t want to get hurt. Regarding the precious children, they’re lucky to have you. I know you’re doing your best, and that’s all that matters.

Breck: Don’t listen to Miss Practical. Love is grand.

Abby: How’s Tiffany feeling?

Breck: Large and very pregnant. We’re only a month away from our due date, and I’m over the moon. Tiff’s in full nesting mode. You should see the nursery. She and my mother went a little bananas with the decor. I keep saying it looks like something out of a magazine. Wish you were both here to see it.

That made Abby smile. Breck would be the best father. He’d always been so positive and super supportive of his friends and colleagues, making him one of the most popular people in their class. Since marrying Tiffany he’d been almost nauseatingly happy.

Arabella: We’ll figure out a time to come visit once you’ve settled in with the baby. I can’t wait to meet her or him.

Breck: It’s a her. We broke down and found out.

Arabella: Congrats!!!

Abby: A little girl. How wonderful! So happy for you. Arabella, how’s your dad? How’s Montana?

Arabella had returned to her hometown of Bluefern, Montana, to care for her father and open a veterinary practice there.

Arabella: Dad’s as mean and nasty as always, only now he can’t remember anything so his insults are four times as frequent. My enemy, Dr. Rafferty Moon, thinks I should put him in a memory care place, but I don’t have the money. Even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I can take care of him. Dr. Moon is as insufferable as ever.

Breck: I think you secretly like him.

Arabella: You are now dead to me.

Abby: Doth she protest too much?

Arabella: Now you’re dead to me too. I haven’t been able to stand the guy since the year 2000. The fact that I have to see him every week for my dad’s checkups is like torture.

Breck: Gotta run. Tiffany needs me to go out for ice cream. Love you both!

Abby: Love you guys.

Arabella: Love you back.