Abby set aside her phone and went inside to change out of her work clothes. By the time she was done, Luke had arrived with all three kids in tow. Peering at them from the upstairs window, she could see something was wrong with Sophie the minute she got out of the car. Her shoulders slumped and she had a sullen expression. Had something happened?
She rushed downstairs to greet them, concern constricting her chest. Sophie didn’t say anything, brushing past Abby and running upstairs.
“What’s wrong with her?” Abby asked Luke. “Do you know?”
Luke shook his head. “Mom said she’s been acting strange all day. She said she just curled up on the couch all day, reading.”
That wasn’t terribly unusual, but still, clearly something was wrong.
“I’ll go talk to her in a minute.” Abby held out her arms to give Jack a hug, which he returned. He smelled of strawberryjam, peanut butter, and the outdoors. “Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah. Luke took me out to the barn and I helped him with chores. Right, Luke?” Jack looked up at Luke with adoring eyes.
“You sure did, Jack Rabbit. You were a huge help.”
Lily tugged on Abby’s sweater sleeve. “Can I have a hug too?”
“Goodness, yes.” Abby crouched and took the little girl into her arms. She, too, smelled like strawberry jam and peanut butter. It wasn’t hard to guess what they’d had for an after-school snack. Lily clung to her, resting her cheek against her shoulder. “You were at work a long time.”
“I was?” Abby asked, holding Lily at arm’s length and peering into her gorgeous blue eyes.
“Daddy said you have to help all the animals, but you could just stay here and help us.” Lily smiled shyly. “I like when you’re with us.”
Abby glanced up at Luke, exchanging a smile with the man who had helped make this amazing little one. “I like being with you all too.”
“Lily, we should go. I’ll be over to get you around six tomorrow if that’s okay?” Luke said to Abby, referring to their upcoming date.
“Mariah’s coming to stay with the kids, so I’ll be ready.”
“Can’t wait.”
“How should I dress?” Abby instinctively kissed the top of Lily’s head as the little girl continued to snuggle against her.
“Wear something nice but warm. I’ve planned something special. At least I hope so.” Luke winked at her as he took Lily from her arms and headed out to his truck.
Something nice but warm? That might be a problem.
She headed upstairs to talk to Sophie, knocking on the bedroom door. A muffled response told her to come in.
Abby found Sophie curled up on the bed, a book open but clearly not being read at the moment. Sophie’s eyes were red. She’d been crying.
“Hey, sweetheart, how you doing?” Abby perched on the edge of the twin bed.
“Did something happen at school?”
“Are you feeling sad?” Abby asked.
“Do you want to talk?”
All right, well, this was going nowhere.