Page 16 of Romeo

I haven’t stopped crying since Father and Martin stole me away from Romeo. The three of us have been in his office since the abduction, with only a few of Father’s men coming in to whisper secret messages to their boss.

They’re sitting opposite me in wingback chairs while I have a double-seater to myself. Knowing I wouldn’t try to escape withFather’s men stationed around the house and property, they didn’t bother restraining me.

Another power play to make me feel small.

“Why are you doing this to me? Please let me go,” I beg. It hasn’t worked up to this point, and I don’t expect it to now.

I believe from the bottom of my heart that Romeo is preparing to do something to get me out of this. But right now, I’m alone. I have to buy him time to do what he needs to, and the only way I can is by fighting Father and Martin off for as long as I can.

“You’ve forced my hand. I don’t have a choice,” Father says coldly.

“No, I’m the one who doesn’t have a choice. I’ve never had a choice.” I’m scared and sad, that much is damned clear to them. What they don’t see is how pissed off they’ve gotten me.

They threatened to kill my beast and destroy the last beam of light in the endless sea of darkness. For what? More money they don’t need and a partnership that doesn’t benefit anyone but their public images?

“Is that so?” Father furrows his brow. He almost looks amused. “How did you come to your conclusion?”

“I never wanted to marry this piece of shit,” I spit in Martin’s direction. Pleading to their humanity is a trial in futility, but leaving a bad taste in Martin’s mouth might scare him off.

“You’ve made a point to remind me since the day you two met.” Father sighs.

“And you’re still going through with it?” My eyes drift from Father to Martin.

“Of course I am. Nothing’s going to change my mind,” Martin says. He looks confused and annoyed that I’d dare question him on the matter.

What a spineless jellyfish. He can’t want this or accept me after I fucked the first man who swept me off my feet. At least I get to savor the fact that it’s Romeo who smashes his ego to pieces. No matter what happens, Martin will forever have my love for the beast weighing him down.

“It’s a woman’s lot in life, Jess.” Father grabs my attention again. “You’re a bargaining chip. Have been since the day you were born. It’s time to end the foolishness and accept what’s happening.”

Before I have the chance to fight him on another point, the door swings open. My heart skips a beat, somehow tricking myself into believing Romeo’s about to swoop in and save the day. Instead, it’s one of the guys who pinned me to the wall in my beast’s apartment.

“Sir, we found a priest.” The thug doesn’t breach the threshold of the door.

“Priest? What does he mean?” My eyes widen, and another round of tears flood the lids. He can’t mean?—

“Where is he, then?” Father barely moves his head to look at him.

“He’ll be here tonight. If we find anyone else, I’ll let you know,” the guard answers.

Father nods and waves him off.

“And there we have it. Quit your crying, Jess. You should be smiling.” Father flashes a toothy grin in my direction. “It’s your wedding day.”



Iwaited for the cover of darkness to make my move. Another dark and stormy night, but this one doesn’t leave me with a foreboding sense. It’s a reflection of my mood, or better yet, the heavens pissing itself in fear of what’s about to happen at Mayfair Manor.

Oh, yeah. I’m gonna enjoy this.

“Eyes up,” I order, the same way he did when he yanked me from my slumber.

To my surprise, he listens. His eyelids are fluttering, but they travel from the floor to mine.

“This can’t be worth it, can it?” I ask.

The gate guard can’t say a thing to change my mind. Having someone twice your size squeeze the life out of you in the most belittling way possible has to be one of the worst insults any man can endure.