Page 15 of Romeo

“Eyes up.” The gate guard grabs my hair and yanks my head up to drink in the scene.

Two men pin Jess against my wall. Tears roll down her cheeks as muffled cries pass through a duct tape gag. Blinding rage pierces through me, and I try to launch off the bed. I’ll kill them forlaying their filthy paws on what belongs to me. I’ll bathe in the delight of watching them suffer.

My attempt is cut short with the gate guard yanking hard on my hair. He pulls me straight back into bed, and with a firm twist, he makes me look at the other two in the room.

Mr. Tweed and the big, bad Billy Mayfair.

“What am I going to do with you, Jerome Whitaker?” Billy speaks. “Or is it Romeo Valesca?”

At least he doesn’t know I’m working for Don Lione. I doubt I’d be comfortable in bed if he did.

“You just couldn’t keep your nose out of my business and your cock out of my daughter, could you?”

I try to look at her. I want to tell her I’ll make this right, even if it kills me. But the gate guard has my neck pinned to the bed, and fighting against him might result in a bullet to the back of it.

Better bide my time, hide my intentions, and do what the Don ordered when I’m back on solid ground.

“Not going to say anything?” Billy raises a brow. Tweed’s standing next to him with a smug fucking grin I can’t wait to wipe off his face. “Fine, I’ll talk, and you’ll listen. You’ve had your fun and filled my little girl’s head with promises of a life beyond the one she’s living. You gave her a taste of something she wanted, and my appreciation for it comes with sparing your life.”

My face must be doing something funny because Billy is about to crack up.

“But it’s over now, Romeo. Come near my house or my daughter again, and you’ll see why I’ve cultivated the fear of everyone in this town. Do I make myself clear?”

I have to answer this time unless I want another knock to the head.

This isn’t my first shakedown, and like the ones that came before, Billy’s going to regret not finishing me off.

“Crystal.” My mouth is so dry, I choke trying to say it.

I’m not scared. Not even a little. But God knows I’ve never been this angry before. I didn’t know it was possible to harbor so much wrath and hatred for another person. It’s like burning coal got dropped in my belly, left to fester and grow into a swirling inferno.

“Good. We’re done he?—”

“You’re going to leave him alive?” Tweed sounds upset. He looks it, too, his grin vanishing beneath slack-jawed disappointment.

“Is there a problem?” Billy glares at him sideways. “You want him dead, do it yourself. I’m not getting my hands dirtier than they need to be.”

Tweed’s mouth falls wide open, and I can’t stop a smile from stretching my lips.

You’ve got your chance, Mr. Tweed. You better take it before your whole world turns black.

“Didn’t think so.” Billy rolls his eyes and starts for the door. “Bring her.”

It breaks my heart to hear her cry, watching her fight to break free in some glorious attempt to rescue me.

Don’t worry, my goddess. You’ll see me soon, and they’ll pay for what they’ve done to us.



Oh, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?

I know the meaning of the original verse. It has nothing to do with Romeo not being around, and instead, Juliet speaks to some higher power, hoping they have the answers to why Romeo has to be a Montague.

It seems so fitting here.

Where are you, my Romeo? Preparing your onslaught and the destruction of the Mayfairs for your horrible master? Then do it with haste, and let us rise together from the ashes of your warpath.