I nodded, pulling my hair behind my ears. The others were watching us when I looked back around the table, and I was suddenly feeling exposed.
“Have you considered having your uncle walk you down the aisle, Izzy?” Julia said, saving me from awkward silence with a table of boys. “It was hard for me to decide. My stepdad’s just as much of a dad as my real dad, and I know your situation is different, but if you’re still up in the air about that when the time comes, I’m sure Blake would be happy to.”
“Absolutely,” Uncle Blake said as he and Aunt Rosa approached. “If you want me, just ask.” He smiled, and I offered one back, not sure what to say. It was the first moment that I’d taken in the fact that Daddy wouldn’t be here to do it.
“Blake.” Mom suddenly appeared. “Can I talk to you?”
“Sure. I’ll be right there.” He leaned in as she headed towards the house. “Sometimes, I feel like she shouldhave been the cop. That look she can give would scare some of the nastiest criminals into confessing.”
“Shit. Coming!” He pressed a kiss to Aunt Rosa’s cheek and hurried off.
She shook her head, smiling. “Good gracious, mija, you look gorgeous. You and your sister look more and more like your mom each time I see you. I’m so proud of y’all. And you, too, Tucker. Congrats to both of you, by the way.”
“Thanks, Rosa.”
“Nope. It’s Aunt Rosa, now. I won’t accept anything else.” She slid an arm behind Tucker’s shoulders, and he stood to hug her back. “Lord, when did you get so tall?” She laughed. “Have you seen your sister, Izzy? Or Jet? I haven’t gotten to see them yet.”
“They had something to work out. They should be out here soon.”
“Ah, well, I’ll let y’all get back to your meal. Tucker, Izzy, I know my boys and new daughter are awesome, but don’t forget that y’all have other family visiting, too, okay?” She grinned with her teasing and left for the table where the grandparents sat.
Tucker stiffened beside me and scooted close, his arm draping around my shoulders, and I was about to glance up and ask when I saw his uncle Drew step into the backyard.
My stomach dropped. “Do you think they’re here?”
Tucker was like a statue at my side, his eyes scanning every section of the yard. “If they are, they’re still inside.”
“This is a bad time to tell you I need to pee, then,” I whispered, and Tucker smirked.
“Come on.”
We were weaving through the crowd on the patio when Chuck motioned for Tucker and I to come over.
“Can it wait, Dad? I was heading inside with Izzy.”
“It won’t take long. I have some news. Izzy, where’d your mom go? Drew!”
Tucker’s uncle turned around, and a smile split his face when he saw us. He was the complete opposite of Chuck in coloring. Dark hair, blue eyes, but the brothers had a similar strong bone structure and height, except Chuck was a little taller.
Drew came up to stand by his brother and clapped Tucker on the back. “Congrats. To both of you. In more ways than one, I hear.” He glanced down at my hand.
“Thanks, Uncle Drew. I’m glad you made it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it. You made it to both of my boys’ when they graduated. Family shows up for family. Feels like you’ve disappeared some this past year, though.”
I could feel the way Tucker hardened beside me as Chuck gave his brother a look. “You know what kind of year–”
Drew waved him off. “I know. You’re right. My boys have been off at school, anyway. Giant mess that’s turned out to be.” He frowned.
“Are they here?” Tucker asked, cutting in.
“What? Oh, no. Not yet. Micah had to take care of something before they came. Anyway, that kind of brings me to my offer. I’d say let me wait for your mom, but you’re eighteen now, so that’s just an extra step.”
“An extra step for what?” I asked as his focus turned to me.
“Well, you know I’m a lawyer, and Chuck told me about this hearing you have coming up concerning a restraining order. That the boy you’re filing it against has lawyers for parents? And since you’re about to be family now, I’d like to offer to represent you. Free of charge. What do you say?”