I nodded. “The greedy whore still wants more.” I pressed my palm between my thighs, and Jet looked down before breaking out into a grin.
“I bet I can help her with that.”
Chapter 24
“Long time no see.” I felt an arm slide around my shoulders and smiled when I glanced over, leaning into the hug.
“Hey, Kurt.”
“Hey. Dang, this food looks great. I’m starving.” My cousin set down a heaping plate of food across from where I was sitting and dropped into his seat, looking around the table. “‘Sup, man?” He fist bumped Tucker. “Man, I can’t believe y’all are graduating today. Congrats.” He looked between us, and I smiled.
“Thanks. I can’t believe it’s already been two years since we were at yours.”
“And four since that bastard’s.” He nodded at his older brother where he was seated with his wife Julia a few seats down.
Gabe just raised an eyebrow. “Do you have to curse?”
“Yes.” Kurt lowered his fork full of food to nod with each word. “Yes, I fucking do.”
I pressed my lips together to try to hide my smirk, watching Julia do the same while Tucker grinned. Gabe somehow missed the humor and rolled his eyes.
“Ignore him, Izzy.”
“I’m okay.” I popped my shoulder in a shrug.
“See?” Kurt sent him a triumphant grin. “She’s not little anymore. I’m sure Tucker and Jet curse around her all the time. Hell, Annie probably even more.”
Tucker barked a short laugh and pointed his fork. “Even Izzy knows how to lay down a good curse word when it’s needed.” He squeezed my thigh proudly.
“Why are we talking about this?” Julia looked at me, and I just smiled as I shook my head.
“I don’t know. How’s married life? Y’all are past the one year mark now.”
“I know. It’s been good. We’ve had to learn to adjust to some things, but I’m loving every minute of our journey.” She smiled, hearts in her chocolate eyes as she looked at Gabe, but then she swatted his leg like she remembered something and looked back at me. “Speaking of, I haven’t seen your ring.”
“Oh.” I held out my hand, letting the ring sparkle in the sunlight, and Julia grabbed my fingers to admire it.
“Oh, my gosh. It’s just stunning, Izzy. Good job, Tucker.” She sent him a wink as he shoveled another bite of food in his mouth.
Kurt just frowned. “Uh…did I miss something?”
“Looks like we’ll be making another trip east, little bro.” Gabe grinned at Kurt’s expression. “Tucker and Izzy are tying the knot next summer.”
His mouth dropped. “Now,that’ssurprising. Wait. How am I the last to know?”
Julia sent Gabe a look. “Didn’t you tell your dad that you would tell Kurt?”
“I am telling him. Now.” He grinned, and Kurt’s face fell into a wry expression as he looked at Tucker and me.
“Be glad that y’all are the oldest in your families. Shit.” His eyes bugged as he cursed. “Hey, not to bring up a sore subject, but this isn’t because of another situation like before, is it?”
“No.” Tucker gave a sharp shake of his head. “We’re definitely waiting on that. College first, and Izzy has dance.”
“IfI do okay on my audition.” I shot him a look, nerves flaring in my middle. It was one week from today. One week I had left to prepare with my dream on the line.
Tucker gently squeezed my leg again, those whiskey eyes of his staring into mine. “You’re going to do great. Stop doubting yourself.”