I frowned, but the look she shot me dared me to challenge her, and I quickly bit back my reply. Annie had a sixth sense about people. Something I’d been dismissing too much lately.
“I can turn him down,” I offered.
“Except you don’t want to, and I don’t want you to resent me for getting between you and your family.”
“And I don’t want you to resent me for choosing to live with him. You told me last week that I wasn’t putting you first. Let me.”
Annie rolled her eyes. “It’s pointless. I’m the only one that has a problem with it. Even Izzy’s excited about it.”
“Annie.” I took her hands in mine, making her face me. To look me in the eye for longer than a second during this conversation. “Youarefirst. You always will be. Did you not hear me talking to Tucker earlier about the cake I wanted for ourwedding? We’re endgame, sweetheart.You and me. I know I haven’t been perfect lately, but every fucking day I wake up and I think aboutyou. How incredibly lucky I am that I get to call you mine. How I want you to be a part of the rest of my life.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh, God. You’re not pulling a Tucker and trying to propose, are you?”
I laughed. “No. But I’m wondering if I should be a little insulted with how panicked you looked just now.”
“No. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, I’meighteen, Jet. You’re nineteentomorrow. We’rebarelyadults, and while getting married young might be the right road for Izzy and Tucker, I’m not there yet. I’m one hundred percent on board with the fact that we’re endgame. But I’m not in a rush to walk down the aisle.”
“Good to know.” I ran my fingers through hers, back and forth, loving the way they laced perfectly together. If only I knew how to fix the tension between us.
Annie looked down, studying our hands. “If you had to pick…”
“You.” I didn’t hesitate to answer. “Nic’s family, butyou…” I reached up to capture her chin between my fingers, bringing her gaze to mine. “You, Annie Donovan, are my sun. My stars. My moon. Every piece of my universe. You hold it. Youareit. There is no me without you.”
My heart about burst in my chest, and I blinked back tears. Everything he said I needed to hear sobadly. Chaos rolled inside me. Butthat? What he’d just told me? It was exactly how I felt about him. There was no me without him. As long as his heart was beating, mine could, too.
“Annie?” Concern furrowed his brow, and I shook my head.
Hurrying over to the door, I flipped the lock and then grabbed Jet’s hand, pulling him around the couch.
“Annie, what–”
I threw an arm around his neck, shutting him up with a kiss, and cupped my free hand to the front of his jeans. Almost instantly, I felt his cock stir to life, and I stroked him a few times until I felt the full length against my hand.
I stepped back, dragging Jet over me as I fell back on the couch, and he caught himself, his arms at my sides as he hovered over me. Those blue eyes searching mine. I let go of his cock to lift my hips and drag down my shorts, and it was about the time I had my panties hanging off an ankle that Jet seemed to catch up.
He looked down to where I was already bare, waiting and aching for him to touch me.
“Are you sure?”
I almost laughed at the mixture of confusion and hope on his face. “You don’t get to say panty dropping lines like that and expect me to keep mine on. Now, fuck me, Thanos.”
A groan left his chest, and he reached in his pocket for protection, his jeans off and the condom in place in seconds. “You’re going to eat those words later when we don’t have to be quiet.”
The edge of my lips curled up in a grin, but when Jet adjusted his hips lower and thrust inside, I released a low, guttural moan. This man was perfection inside me.
“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re already so wet.”
“Panty. Dropping. Lines.” I panted with the thrusts of his hips, my hands sliding around to his back as my fingers dug into the delicious lines of his muscles.
“Oh, God!” I cried out when his dick hit some perfect spot deep inside, and Jet covered my mouth with his hand. Something I’d be forever grateful for because the moans that came out of me after that would have been anything but quiet. He lowered himself over me, our eyes locking, and I dared him,beggedhim with my look alone to take me harder. Needing more.
He read me like a freaking book, driving into me faster and harder, deeper than I think he ever had before. And only a few short minutes in, I was convulsing around his cock with a string of curse words that came out as a mumbled mess beneath his hand. He lasted nearly a minute after me, and I was getting close to coming again when I felt the shift in his hips telling me he was close. His body shuddered over mine, his hips still pumping even past his release.
When he finally lifted off of me, I moved my legs, and he sat at the end of the couch, my pussy still throbbing and aching.
Jet took a few deep breaths, his head back against the couch, and he rolled it to the side to look at me. “You okay?”