Page 30 of Survival

“What’s wrong with the classic?” I teased.

Jet opened an eye to give me a look. “Don’t know.”

I frowned. Usually, Jet would retaliate at the slight dig at his car, but he’d been in a weird mood when I’d gotten back from practice, even after my news, saying he was worried about Izzy. I just couldn’t fill him in that he didn’t have to be. Not today, at least. I passed him the bowl of popcorn back, and Jet stuffed some into his mouth.

“You wanna go surfing?” I suggested, bored of being inside, and I was supposed to distract Jet, anyway. The one job the twins had given me. “Corey told me his brother’s getting supplies for tonight, and I bet we could meet him down there before the party.”

“Sure,” Jet said after swallowing, his frown already disappearing. “Do you wanna go?”

Nic looked up. “I don’t know how to surf.”

“No big. The waves won’t be huge right now, and we’ll teach you.”

Nic frowned. “It’s pretty hot out.”

Jet smirked. “Wuss.”

“This is cool heat around here,” I added. “Enjoy it while it lasts. Come on. I’ve got an extra board.”

Nic glanced away for a few seconds, considering. I was hoping he’d say yes. It wasn’t the first time we’d extended an invite, but the guy was hard to get to know.

“Come on. Might as well experience life with some of the locals while you’re here,” I pressed, and Nic finally released a small grin.

“Okay. Why not?”

“Shit. Really?” I sat up, and Jet hopped up from the couch before he could backtrack. He stuffed another handful of the snack into his mouth and clapped Nic on the shoulder.

“Come on. I’ve got some extra board shorts you can use.”

Chapter 9


Driving carefully through the stretch of sand, I pulled my truck up next to Tucker’s Chevy and looked around at some of the surrounding cars along the beach. Not a lot of people were here yet, but I knew the number would grow. Corey’s bonfire parties were always big, and his house parties were infamous.

Annie took off to chat with some friends as I walked out across the warm sand opposite the small crowd, enjoying the way the wind wrapped around my face as it blew my hair back from my shoulders, the salt from the ocean permeating the air. It was fresh, crisp in a way that I loved. I placed a hand above my eyes to block the sun as I searched the water for Tucker, discovering my deliciously muscled boyfriend not too far from the shore. He was sitting on his surfboard, drifting in the water alongside two jet black heads of hair as he used his hands in wide gestures.

I smiled, realizing he and Jet were helping Nic learn how to surf, and I waved widely when I saw him look towards the shore. Waiting as he motioned to the guys andthey began paddling in, my thoughts drifted to the last time I’d gone to a party, and I shuddered, remembering the way we’d had to leave. My heart clenched in my chest, realizing that Zoey had been there, too. We just hadn’t known it yet.

“Hey, princess!” Tucker called out when the guys reached the shore.

I beamed as he ran up because, Jesus, the man was hot. The ocean water glistened along the lines of his gorgeously chiseled chest and abs, and I watched, mouth watering, as he ran a muscled arm back through his wet hair, the strands falling haphazardly across his brow. I had to catch my breath at the beauty of it. He wasn’t even touching me, and I was fighting the urge to swoon and jump into his arms. A part of me longed to run my fingers along those lean contours, kiss a trail along…

I sucked in a breath, forcing myself to stop. Because those were things I just couldn’t do. Not like I used to.

Too much had happened, and there were so many scars, emotional and physical. I knew I was hurting us both by holding back, but I just couldn’t. My mind’s self preservation at work.

Tucker lifted me into a cool, wet embrace when he reached me, his unnamable smell mixing with the ocean salt and air, and I breathed in deeper before kissing the salt from his lips.

Okay, not like I used to…yet.

When Tucker finally set me down, I saw Annie running into Jet’s arms, and Nic looked away to frown out towards the water, still holding onto the board I recognized as one of Tucker’s.

“So, what’s the news?” I asked, distracting myself from the way his fingertips pressed into the small of my back.

He gave me a devilish smirk, his hand pressing me closer against him. “Hmmm, not sure I’m ready to tell. Maybe I’ll wait so you’ll stay for the party.”

I swatted his chest. “Tell me. You know I’m not gonna stay.”