“I’ll go check.” The woman took off to the back, and I took a seat on the bench beside Izzy, my mind whizzing through the possibilities. Maybe I’d have to do some shopping today after all…
Izzy gasped suddenly, and I looked over to find her staring at her phone.
“Tucker has news.”
My eyes widened. “You think it’s about—”
“The game? Maybe. He said he’ll tell me when I see him.”
I glanced at my Fitbit, my stomach flipping with the time. “Izzy…”
“I know.” She sighed, swiping the screen of her phone. “I just saw it, too. He’s not going to like this call.”
“Massacred you again!” Nic cried. “You’re terrible at this game.”
I tossed my controller down to the floor. “Alright. I’m done. You’ve whooped my ass enough to last me a month now.”
“Tucker Pierce, I better not have heard you say what I think I did,” Helen said, coming out from the garage with a laundry basket tucked against her hip.
I cringed, not realizing she’d been close. “Sorry, Helen. Won’t happen again.”
“It better not.” She warned me with a look before heading down the hall.
Nic smirked as he put the controllers away. “Language, Tucker.”
I extended a leg out to kick him against the thigh. “Shut up.”
Nic just smirked harder.
Jet came back from the kitchen with a frown on his face, his phone held up to his ear, and a bowl of popcorn in hand. I grabbed the bowl from him, stuffing a handful of the buttery goodness in my mouth while purposely avoiding Jet’s gaze. Annie would kill me if I didn’t play my part right.
“What’s it doing?” Jet asked as he sprawled into an armchair.
“It’s making a really weird noise. I’m afraid to drive it.” I could faintly hear Izzy’s voice through the phone.
“What kind of noise?”
“I don’t know. A loud one?”
I had to work not to laugh at Jet’s expression.
“Jet? You there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.” He released a heavy sigh. “Just leave it there, I guess. My dad and I will have to go look at it later. Do you want Tucker to come pick you up? He’s over here.”
“No, I’ll just call Annie.”
“Sorry, Jet.”
“It wasn’t your fault. I don’t think.”
“Okay. Bye.” Her voice was soft at the end.
“Bye.” Jet hung up and dropped his head back against the armchair.