Jet raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two of us.
“I’m just getting clothes to go take a shower,” Nic said, his tone deadpan. “You’d think she’d never seen a man’s chest before.”
My eyes flashed, and Jet actually shot him a look that time. “Watch it.”
“This, babe.” I huffed, throwing an arm out. “This is why he drives me nuts. He justhasto get a dig in, every time.”
“Like you haven’t run your mouth off every chance you get.” Nic slung a shirt over his shoulder, crossing his arms over his bare chest with a glare.
“Okay. Enough.” Jet stepped between us before I could retaliate. “I’m sick of it. You’rebothat fault, and it’s getting really fucking old. Youknowshe’s my girlfriend, and she’s not going anywhere.” He looked at Nic before turning back to me. “Andyouknow how important it is for me to get to know my cousin.WhyI want to get to know him, but you’re making it really fucking hard, Annie. Both of you are.” He glared between us again. “So for the sake ofeveryonethat has to be around y’all, can y’all get the sticks out of your asses and learn how to deal with each other?”
My mouth dropped open, but no words would come out. Because I didn’t think Jet had ever spoken to me like that. He glanced at me, seeing my shocked expression, and then turned away.
“Y’all figure it out. I’ll be in the garage.”
It was probably a whole minute that I stood there processing before Nic cleared his throat. Reluctantly, I looked at him, glad to see he had the decency to look chagrined.
“So…” I repeated, and sucking in all my pride, I held out a hand. “Truce?”
Nic looked genuinely surprised for a second but then seemed to consider the offer. “I suppose we shouldtry. For Jet. It would have to be a joint effort, though.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m pretty sure that’s what atruceentails.”
Nic’s lips pressed together, and he slowly raised his hand to clasp mine. “Truce.”
After stopping by the garage to smooth things over with Jet, I left him with Nic to work on his Mustang and headed over to Tucker’s, not eager to head back to an empty house.
“Hey, you in here?” I peeked my head through his door, spotting him at his desk.
“Hey, Annie, come on in.” He motioned without looking up, waving a pencil over his shoulder. “I’m just trying to figure out these last few calculus problems.”
I stepped inside, crossing the room to flop down on one of the giant beanbag chairs in front of his TV. “I already finished mine. You want the answers?”
“Nope. I’m good.”
I turned on a playlist on my phone, letting Taylor Swift fill the room while I waited for Tucker to finish.
“Did you need something?” he asked, giving me an irritated glance.
“No. Not really. Just didn’t want to go home.” I let the meaning behind that hang in the air, and several quiet seconds passed before Tucker replied, understanding touching his tone.
“So, checking on me was the next best thing. Guess I’m on everyone’s list now.”
I scoffed, rolling my head against the bean bag to face him. “Weallshould be on someone’s list right now.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just setJetoff.” I sighed, and Tucker’s eyes widened. “Yep.” I popped the p. “All because Nic and I can’t stopfighting, and Jet is fed up.” Tucker shut his calculus book and came to sit on the beanbag next to mine.
“Y’all okay? Areyouokay?”
“I will be. Though I was forced to make a truce with Nic.” I made a face, and Tucker grinned.
“He’s really not bad, Annie.”
I just pressed my lips together and then remembered why’d I’d come over in the first place, reaching over to smack Tucker in the arm.