Page 57 of Broken

Bless Jet. Somehow, he’d helped turn the conversation back around at lunch. I still couldn’t believe what Lisa had pulled, but after Tucker had gone off on her, it was like she’d gone in a shell, ducking her head any time she saw one of us the rest of the day.

I grabbed my pom poms, the music from the band already blaring in the bleachers to my left, and I waved over at Annie and Jet when I heard my sister call my name. Jet held up his arm with the cast. They were seated with Tucker’s family a few rows over, the gym absolutely packed. Most Texas high schools were focused primarily on football, but Tucker’s chances for college ball and even the NBA had been news around here for years now. Since we’d been freshmen. The hype was built up.

I screamed with the crowd when the players came out, waving my pom poms in the air. The teams set up, and Tucker went to stand at the center circle for the tip off. The ref tossed the ball, and he jumped, tipping it before the other team’s player could reach it.

Our side of the crowd cheered as the ball went into play, the Sharks scoring basket after basket with Tucker leading the charge. He was like a steamroller against the other team, dominating the court.

He was beautiful to watch.

And sexy as hell.

I loved that he was mine.

When halftime hit, I headed out onto the court with the dance team, and the crowd cheered. Annie and Jenna could be heard above everyone throughout the dance, my latest routine I’d put together for the season a knockout. It was tough, but I knew mygirls could do it. I flipped my head back with one of the final moves, and familiar black spots darted across my vision.

No. No, no.I blinked, praying they’d go away. I could do this.Just make it to the end. Just land the ending. That’s all you have to do. Donotpass out in front of half the student body.

Relief rushed over me when the song ended, but I was shaky, and I knew I needed to sit down. Fast. I wasn’t my peppy self at all, but I made it back over to the bleachers and quickly grabbed my water bottle.

“That was fantastic!” Dinah shrieked before noticing me. “Oh, crap. Izzy, are you okay?”

I nodded, my breaths starting to ease. “Just needed some water.”

“Here, take mine. I haven’t had any yet.” She held out her bottle, and I gratefully took it, downing hers, too.

Something made me look over my shoulder, and I found Annie watching me, concern covering her matching features. I held up Dinah’s bottle.“Just needed this,”I mouthed. Though my thoughts were spiraling in a whirlwind. Fear clutching me from the inside. This was happening way too often now, wasn’t it?

I was still lost in my thoughts when the players came back out. The cheerleaders’ chants were just like background noise, but when I saw Tucker catch my gaze, I forced myself to shove it all back. This washisday. His night. I could worry about myself later.

After winning the game, we grabbed burgers and shakes from Bob’s diner and brought them home. Archer was staying over with Colton again, and after some lighthearted talk and a few birthday presents with Tucker’s family, the four of us were up in his bedroom on the massive bean bags he kept in the loungingarea. Our remaining food was spread out in front of us, like a buffet any of us could pick from. I grabbed a fry and laid back, my eyes feeling heavy. But it had been such a good night, I wasn’t ready for it to end.

When the guys started up with more sports talk, I felt the bean bag shift as Annie joined me on mine. I didn’t even have to look to know. One of those moments that I sensed everything she was going to say. She knew something was up. And once we got home, she was demanding answers.

Sensing my resignation, she leaned back, her hair mixing with mine between us. I tried not to cry. I didn’t want to be sick. I didn’t want what happened to Daddy to be happening to me. But I was clearly out of time to ignore the signs.

“Bathroom,” I muttered.

I ducked inside and took several deep breaths, my stomach continuing to turn. I went to search through a set of white, wooden shelves Tucker had set up in the corner. One side held the towels, but I knew he threw medicine and junk in the other.

I was just rifling through when the edge of a blue box caught my attention, and I froze.

No. No way.It couldn’t be. I hadn’t missed…But it’s been different, and I’ve been feeling off for months.My nerves were so high it was like they were buzzing outside of my body. I grabbed the box and stuck it in the back of my skirt, pulling my shirt over to hide it. I slipped out into the bedroom and quickly stuffed it in my dance bag I’d dumped on the end of Tucker’s bed.

“Um, Annie?”

One look at me and she was hopping to her feet. “We’re gonna head out, guys.”

They looked surprised, but I pasted a fake smile on my face. “I’m just worn out tonight. See y’all tomorrow.”

“Sure. Of course,” Jet quickly replied.

“Happy birthday.” I gave Tucker a quick kiss and did my best to walk out as normally as I could, but my limbs were literally shaking.

“What is it?” Annie linked her arm with mine when we got outside.

I shook my head. I couldn’t say it. Not yet.

“Izzy, what is it?” Annie pressed as I rushed up to our room.