“Did we just get a song?” She bumped her shoulder into my chest when it was through.
“Guess so.” We shared another kiss just as the bell rang, and I walked her to her class before jogging down the hall back to my locker. “What the?” I picked up what I guessed was a birthday card someone had left inside. Not seeing a name, I shrugged and grabbed the book I needed and hurried off to class.
“Nice of you to join us,” Mr. Garrett greeted, and I pointed up to the ceiling when the bell rang.
“Not late.”
“By the skin of your teeth.” He gave me a narrowed look over his glasses, and I shrugged, taking my seat at the back. I opened my Chromebook to start my notes.
Nothing could ruin my day. Aside from it being my birthday, tonight was the first basketball game, and I was pumped. Every nerve in me felt alive and happy. Like it was the start of something good and better. I couldn’t explain it.
It was during lunch that I remembered the card, and I pulled it out, waving it in front of my friends. “Do y’all know who put this in my locker?”
Annie’s mouth turned down, and she shook her head. “No. But I’m sure it’s for your birthday. Open it.”
I ran my thumb under the glue and pulled out the card. ‘Something special for your 18th!’Several glossy sheets slid out from inside as soon as I opened it, a couple of them falling into my lap. Izzy grabbed one before it could fly off the table with the wind, and her face went white.
My brow furrowed, wondering what could cause that reaction, and I glanced down, pictures of Lisa both naked and posing in lingerie staring up at me. I sprang back, shoving them away. “What the fuck?!”
“What?” Annie and Jet asked together.
“Fucking Lisa.”
Annie snatched one up, her face immediately turning green before it turned red. “This chick is so messed up. Seriously, don’t look, babe.” She dropped the photo back down.
Jet just looked confused. “What is it?”
“She’s naked.” Izzy whispered, shuddering.
“She’s fucked up in the head is what she is.”
“Shit, man, she really gave you naked pictures?” Jet stared, gobsmacked, and Annie’s eyes flew wide.
“Crap. Tucker, you can get in serious crap if it gets out you have those.” She quickly gathered them up, braver than the rest of us, and shoved them back in the envelope.
“Thanks,” I grated, my eyes already flying around the courtyard. I spotted Lisa a couple of tables over, her statusfinally getting close enough back to normal to sit at the edge of the popular crowd. I snatched the envelope from Annie and stood. “I’ll be back.”
Phoenix saw me first and nudged Lisa’s arm. She glanced up, surprised and hopeful until she registered the look on my face. Her purse was sitting on the bench next to her, and I stuffed the envelope inside, making sure I felt the pictures crumple in my fist before letting go.
“Don’t ever fucking do something like this again. I don’t want you. Even before you pulled the shit you did, I didn’t want you.”
Her eyes were wide as I glared into them, but I let her see my rage. Wanting her to get the warning. She needed to back off. There was no hope. Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes.
“Ass,” Larissa whispered as I turned away.
“You know it.”
I stormed back to the table, eyes from the student body glued to my back. It wasn’t until I met Izzy’s green gaze that I saw past the red. Tension was thick as I sat back down.
“You okay?” Izzy asked, placing her hand on my thigh. I nodded, though I could still feel the steady tick in my jaw.
“Holy crap, Tucker, she’s literally crying.” Annie half-laughed. “What did you say?”
“Enough that it should be the end of her crap.”
Jet lifted his drink in a cheer. “Hey, I’m here for that. Now, how about the game tonight?”