Page 8 of Broken

Grabbing my things, I darted out of the room just before the bell, ignoring the teacher’s demand for me to come back. It was like salt being rubbed into my conscious to do it, but I knew I needed to. Heading straight for the office, I charged in like I might as well be Annie and rushed up to the desk.

“I need a schedule change. Please.” The words rushed out of my mouth. The lady behind the desk was new. She looked up, seeing my distress, and pointed to the chairs in front of the counselors’ offices.

I took a seat, my heels tapping as my knees bounced, so much nervous energy in my system. Had Zane really affected me this much? That just seeing him without anyone around could send me into fritz’d out mode? Or was this just a culmination of everything that had happened with guys in general?Maybe I’m just in my head after what Annie said?I didn’t know. All I knew was that I did not want to be in that class.

“Izzy?” Ms. Lane’s voice jerked me back to the present, and I hurried into her office. “What can I help you with?”

Ms. Lane was a slightly plump, middle-aged blonde woman with a stylish bob that was longer in the front by her shoulders. Wearing black pumps, a bright red pencil skirt, and a white silk wrap top with long sleeves, she headed around her desk to perch in a high-back desk chair. Pictures, plants, and books adorned the spread of shelves behind her desk, with a rich purple and cream rug filling the floor space at the center of the small office.

I was well familiar with the room. Months of visits after Daddy’s passing were spent in this office last year. I immediately began to feel at ease and pulled up the cream-padded chair. “I need to change classes.”

Ms. Lane’s brow raised just before it dipped in a frown. “Did something happen? Or did we accidentally put you in something that isn’t down your career track?”

“No.” I’d kept mine pretty general, my life so obsessed with dance. “It’s just…my ex is in my first class. We didn’t end on a good note. A pretty rough one, actually. I’m not comfortable in there with him.”

I immediately felt stupid for saying it, like shehadto think I was overreacting. People broke up all the time. Why should I be special and get to change classes over it?

I met Ms. Lane’s green stare from across the desk, trying to keep my breathing calm while maintaining the sincerity in my expression. I wasnotcomfortable in a class with Zane. Not with how it had already started this morning.

After a long look between us, Ms. Lane nodded and swirled around to face her laptop. “I’ll approve the switch since it’s just the first day of school,and I know your history. After last year, you deserve the least amount of stress possible.”

“Thank you.” I released a gush of breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

“What’s his name?”

“Zane. Zane Hernandez.”

The rest of the morning went pretty quickly. My first class was now with Annie and Emma,and the one after that with Tucker. The only downside was my third class had Lisa. She stepped in front of the door before I could leave the room.

“So, what’s the deal with you and Tucker?”

I somehow managed not to roll my eyes and met her glare. “We’re together.”

She cocked her hip. “Since when?”

“About a week ago, after Zane and I broke up. Not that it should matter to you. I know you like him, Lisa, but I’m sorry, I just don’t think that’s ever going to happen.”

Her eyes flashed as her nostrils flared. “You don’t know anything. Tucker and I have history. You’re just the pathetic best friend that he can’t stand to see moping around anymore. You’re thepitydate, Izzy. So don’t get used to him.”

She flipped her hair, whipping me in the face, and spun on her heels to stalk off down the hall, leaving me gaping and stunned.

My brow furrowed, my lips pressing together with some stupid random urge to cry, but I quickly shoved it back and took a deep breath. It was Lisa. I knew how Tucker felt about her.Or how hedoesn’tfeel about her.She’s just jealous.

Pulling my shoulders back, I headed to dance class, which should have been the freaking brightest spot in my day, but Lisa stuck in my head every second I wasn’t zoned into the music. Thank God Casey and Dinah were there to distract me through most of it. By the time class wrapped up, I was rushing out to the courtyard to meet my friends for lunch.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

I cringed, my stomach instantly feeling sick at the familiar comment,like I could still feel Ryder’s voice sliding across my skin. “Yeah, I’m not a fan of that one,” I said as I set my tray next to Tucker’s, taking the seat beside him. Annie and Jet were already across from us, the benches and tables around ours filling with other juniors and seniors from our crowd.

Tucker frowned. “Well, youare, but you’re right. I had it right the first night.” He ducked his head by mine, his nose tucking beneath my hair as he whispered in my ear. “You’re fucking perfect. My princess I get to worship at my side.” He kissed at my neck, my belly melting into jelly before he sat straight and took a bite of his chicken sandwich, a cocky smirk on his face while I blushed crimson.

Jet just continued to eat with a small smile while Annie watched us, her next bite of sushi held just inches from her open mouth. A piece dropped back down to her tray before she shook her head. “I don’t think I want to know.”

Tucker popped a shoulder. “Just letting her know who I worship.”

“Oh, God. Knowing you, that could be all kinds of dirty.”

“Only if you make it that way.” Tucker met her stare, stuffing his mouth. He wrapped his arm around my back, and I flushed all over again, but at least that put any doubts Lisa had tried to drive home to death. I snuggled up to Tucker’s side as I picked at my grilled chicken salad, giving Lisa a pointed look when I saw her glaring from a few tables over.