Annie and Tucker were already there, and I rushed forward, hurrying into Tucker’s arms. He leaned down as I tiptoed to meet him in a gentle kiss, and gasps and murmurs erupted around us, spreading through the courtyard faster than I could pinpoint. I turned, looking around at the shocked stares and cell phones aimed our way. Even a few evil eyes from some girls that used to hang off Tucker’s arm just months ago.
Immediately, I flushed, and Tucker wrapped an arm around my shoulders, shielding me from most of their views.
“What? Can’t a guy greet his girlfriend?” he barked at the crowd.
“Tucker,” I hissed, slapping his middle.
He grinned down at me, not an ounce of sorry in his expression. “What? They were bound to find out sometime, and I’d rather the rumors be accurate since they’ll be starting, anyway.”
He captured my lips in another kiss, my nerves forgotten as I melted, my face tilting to rest in the hand he held cupped to my cheek. I groaned as his hand slid around to the back of my neck, his fingers wrapping themselves in the hair at my nape as he pulled me to him, and my hands came up to grip the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.
I was so lost in the feel of him, in the way he was claimingus, that I wasn’t even sure how much time had passed before I heard Jet clear his throat.
Tucker released a playful growl, pecking my lips twice before slowly releasing me, and it was several slow seconds of my brain coming down from the high to realize the show we’d just made. Again, my cheeks flushed even as I smiled, and I tucked my face into Tucker’s side to hide from the attention of the crowd. If there’d been any questions about our status before, they were gone now.
Waiting out the last few minutes before the bell, we headed to the gym for the welcome assembly amidst all of the stares and found a seat at the top of the bleachers. I blocked out most of the back-to-school speech, still too aware of all the attention from our classmates. Tucker didn’t even seem fazed, keeping his arm around me, blatantly claiming me as his whenever someone looked our way.
Butterflies swarmed my middle, half swooping in despair from the extra attention and half soaring with each caring touch and possessive move Tucker made. We’d declared what we felt to each other that first night we were together, but this felt like the first real test. Out in front of all of our peers. He wasn’t shying away, and I couldn’t deny the relief that coursed through me.
“Come on, let’s go get our schedules.”
Annie’s voice startled me from my thoughts, and I looked around, surprised to see everyone up and moving. I stood before grabbing my bag, and the room swayed. Tucker quickly reached out for my hand, steadying me before I could fall.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just dizzy for a second there. I rushed out this morning and forgot to grab breakfast.”
“Here.” Jet pulled a couple of granola bars from his backpack.
“Thanks.” I pulled open a wrapper, taking a large bite as we got in the alphabetical lines for our schedules. Jet and Tucker headed to the other end of the gym while Annie and I headed to the one near the door.
Someone bumped me from behind, and I jolted forward, my granola bar flying out of my hand.
“Hey, watch it,” Annie barked.
“Oops, sorry. Didn’t see you there.” Lisa giggled, flipping her long strawberry waves over her shoulder. Larissa and Phoenix flanked her side, and the three of them gave me disdainful looks before sauntering off with their noses in the air.
“Bitches,” Annie muttered.
“That’s one word for them.” I scooped up the ruined granola bar, slipping it into a side pocket of my backpack, thankful that Jet had given me two. “Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been Zane.”
“Ugh.” Annie’s nose scrunched. “Don’t even start. I’m so freaking pissed at him. Thank God we haven’t seen him yet. Come on. We’re next.”
We met the guys under the oak again to compare schedules and see which classes we had together. My heart dropped to see I only had one class with each of them. After exchanging short kisses with our guys, Annie and I headed off to homeroom, chatting with Megan and a few other friends we’d barely seen over break.
“You tell me if you see Zane at all or if he gives youanyissues,” Annie said as we headed back into the hall for first period.
I rolled my eyes. “The school’s not that big, sis. I’m bound to see him at some point.”
“You know what I mean. Izzy.” She grabbed my hand, pulling me to a stop so that I’d meet her gaze. Nothing there but protectiveness and worry. I immediately felt bad and nodded.
“I know.”
Hurrying off, I rounded the corner and darted into honors English, grabbing one of the front seats in the room. Whispers still carried around me, and I pulled out a notebook, letting my pen make random shapes and patterns on the paper to ignore the attention. For some reason, I suddenly felt the urge to look up, and my stomach flipped to see Zane standing in the doorway watching me.
He winked and took a seat by the window a few seats over, his dark gaze still fixed solely on me. My palms started to sweat, my heart beating faster. BecauseOh, heck no.I wasn’t doing this. Not without Annie, Jet, or Tucker in this class with me, too.