Page 71 of Finding Fate

“No,” he heard her breathe out in a whisper of astonishment. She slowly looked over at him then, her eyes wide. “It moved.”

Utter confusion spread over his features. “What?” he asked.

“The baby,” she whispered. “I just felt it move.”

It had been so sudden. She had known that she would be able to feel it soon. Dr. Fallor had told her so at her last visit, but that flutter still took her off guard. What a strange yet utterly amazing feeling.

Jet’s jaw dropped. “Really?” he asked. “You felt it?”

She nodded. They stood there for almost a minute, marveling at the morning’s development until she realized how awkward they must look with Jet standing protectively in front of her, the passenger door just hanging open.

In a tremendous effort to remain inconspicuous about the situation, she forced herself to remove her hand from her belly and grab her bag and purse from the car.

“We should probably head to class. We don’t want to be late.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Jet shook the shock off, shutting the door.

They waved goodbye when they reached the split in the hall that would take them to their homerooms, and Isabel continued to marvel at what she had just felt. Her baby wasn’t just the small bump in her stomach anymore. It was a flutter now. No. She’d felt faint flutters before. This was more than that. A kick? Had she just felt her baby kick?

She wondered when she’d be able to feel it again. The baby seemed so much more tangible now, though she doubted others could feel it yet, it was so subtle. But she could feel it. “I knew today was going to be a good day!”

She went through homeroom in an excited daze. Annie could tell something was up, but Isabel just whispered that she’d tell her about it at home. She couldn’t risk anyone overhearing, especially since she’d nearly blown things this morning. Thank goodness Jet thought to block her stomach. It would have been hard to fool anyone who might have seen that.

She was nearly bouncing in her seat when announcements came on and wasn’t sure how she was going to make it to the end of the day without telling Tucker. He’d so be able to tell something was up.

“Attention, Sharks,” the principal came over the sound system. “I have some unfortunate news. With yesterday’s tropical storm update predicting it to hit the coast sometime early this Friday, Bentonville and Summer Grove are making the decision to cancel this week’s game. For you, seniors, I know this affects your homecoming, but your safety is most important. However, all of our usual spirit week activities will still go as scheduled. Have a great day.”

The halls were buzzing with the upsetting news as Isabel made her way over to first period. She felt so bad for Jet after their conversation this morning, and Annie had not taken the news well based on her comments after the announcement. It was a real downer for seniors. She wondered how Tucker was reacting to it, but when she stepped into the room, his seat was still empty.

“He must be running late,” she thought, heading to her seat when Ms. Darcy, her English teacher, approached.

“Izzy, I just got a call from the counselor’s office. Ms. Lane would like to see you.”

“Ms. Lane?” “That’s weird. What could she want?” Isabel wondered.

“Yes, go ahead and take your things with you just in case you’re not back before class is over. Here’s a hall pass.”

She took the note hesitantly, glad that she hadn’t had a chance to unpack yet as she headed back down the hall. It was nearly empty now that class was about to start. Tucker was headed towards her, walking swiftly to make it to class before the bell. From behind him, there was a flash of strawberry blonde darting into a nearby classroom as someone else rushed to be on time.

Tucker gave her a puzzled look as they were about to pass. “Where’re you going? Aren’t you coming to class?”

She showed him the note. “No, Ms. Lane wants to see me.”

“What about?”

“I’m not sure. I just walked into the room, and Ms. Darcy sent me right back out.”

They shared a worried look, both knowing what it could be.

“Tell me at lunch?” he asked.

“Of course,” she replied, giving his hand a squeeze.

* * *

Isabel tapped on the partially ajar wooden door of her designated counselor’s office.

“Come in,” Ms. Lane said after peeking over to see who it was.