“So those dizzy spells and that cold we thought you gave me?” He nodded. “Well, turns out I’m actually pregnant.”
Leo’s eyes bulged as he gaped. His gaze flicked down to her stomach and back again. “You’re…no, Izzy,” he groaned, dropping his head back against his seat in frustration as she ducked hers over her lap. “This can’t be happening. You’re too good!”
Isabel shrugged, her gaze focused at her knees, embarrassed and unwilling to see her friend’s disappointment. “I’m sorry. I only found out a couple of weeks ago. If it helps, my doctor has cleared me to still dance for now. I just have to start being more careful and adjust our routines a bit. That is if you’d still want to be my partner. You’d have to find someone new in the spring, though. I’m due in March.”
It was deathly quiet for a minute, and Isabel thought she’d go crazy waiting for him to say something. This was almost as bad as when she’d waited on that stupid stick.
“Izzy,” Leo said, finally snapping to his senses, his tone demanding her attention. When she braved to look, he continued. “If you think I’m crazy enough to think I can find another dance partner as good as you, you’re crazy. We click. I mean we can go places kind of click. I don’t care if I have to do solo routines for the spring season, that’s fine, but you’re not quitting, and you’re not giving up that audition. When is it?”
“November, but I’ll be too far along to audition by then.”
“Then, you’ll call them to reschedule it. If they can’t do it sooner, then you do it in the spring. I’ll watch the baby myself if I have to. No, wait, my sister runs a daycare. I’ll talk to her. I know she’ll give you a good rate. I’m not letting you give up on your dream.”
“Holy crap,” Isabel cried as she laughed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “You can’t be serious. You can’t be this awesome.”
“Damn straight, I’m this awesome. Now, where’s that hulk of a boyfriend of yours so I can kick his ass.”
Isabel laughed at the memory, and fell into sync to sing with Jet as the next song came on the radio. They were sitting at the light by the high school when the song ended, and she struck up the conversation again.
“So are you planning anything special to do with Annie for Homecoming this weekend?”
“We’ll probably go to the game and the dance for a bit, but honestly, Izzy, I just wanna find someplace to go just me and her. I’ve even thought about asking Noah if he’d rent a hotel room for us since he turned eighteen last month, but I don’t know if it’s worth the crap he’d give me.”
“Wow, well, maybe you should ask Annie what she thinks first. That’s kind of a big deal.”
Jet nodded, “Yeah, you’re right, but I’m telling you, Izzy, I’m going crazy with all our parents’ new rules, and even the few times I’ve managed to find time with Annie since then?” he shook his head. “Something’s off.”
“Off how?”
“It’s just different. But let’s just drop it if Annie hasn’t said anything,” he said, trying to backtrack.
“Jeez, Jet, I’m so sorry. If it wasn’t for Tucker and me messing up.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he cut her off. He hadn’t meant to ruin the mood. “Let’s talk about something happy. Like Halloween. Crazy it’s only about a week away. You coming out with us this year?”
Still concerned, but reading his signals, Isabel let the topic drop. “I think I’m just staying home to pass out candy. I don’t feel like searching for a costume, and I’m not really in the mood to have to worry about someone noticing my ridiculous stomach at a party. Besides, I like seeing the kids all dressed up. They’re so cute.”
“Such an Izzy response,”Jet thought as the light turned green, and he pulled into a parking space in front of the school. “You’re barely showing, Izzy, but, alright, I get it. You’re going to force us to have fun without you and make Tucker whine and text all night,” he teased.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Tucker does not whine and text.”
“If we were going to Benton Hall I’d bet you’d want to go.”
“Dancing? Of course. But you’re not.”
“We could. You never know.”
She shook her head, enjoying the banter. “Whatever. The hall’s not even open that night.”
He winked at her and leaned into the back seat to grab his backpack and hoodie, the second cool front of the season scheduled to come in after lunch that day.
Jet had just closed the door when he heard a gasp come from the other side of the car. He looked up and saw Izzy standing by the passenger door, looking shocked with her hand pressed to her stomach.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jet asked as he rushed around the car to Izzy’s side. She didn’t really look like she was in pain, but he’d never seen her do anything in public that might let people catch on to the pregnancy. Except there she was with her hand pressed against the small bump at her stomach, the illusive, pink dress not hiding anything.
He stepped in front of her to block anyone’s view that might be nearby, scanning the area to make sure they didn’t have any onlookers. None that he could see.
“Izzy, what is it?” he asked again when she didn’t answer. She was just standing there with the same surprised expression on her face. “Izzy, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”