Unexpected Interest
Earbuds in and music blaring in her ears, Isabel danced as she swept the back patio, working on moves she wanted to have prepared for dance camp that summer. The sun was warm, but not yet too hot for late May in Texas, and the slight breeze was just enough to keep the sweat from rolling down her skin. She caught movement from the corner of her eye and turned, pulling her earbuds from her ears as her sister opened the back door.
“Hey,” Annie leaned out in her solid red lifeguard one piece. “Mom took Tyler to the store, and I’m headed to work. You need the truck for anything today?”
Isabel shook her head. “No, but if you’ll hang on a minute, I’ll ride down there with you.” She’d been aching for some time at the beach.
Annie nodded. “Alright, but you’ve seriously got to be ready in like five minutes, or I’ll be late.”
“As if I’m ever late,” Isabel grinned as she propped the broom by the door and ran upstairs.
Annie rolled her bright, green eyes. “You’re the definition of late!” she yelled up after her. “Seriously, Izzy! Five minutes!”
Ten minutes later, Annie was tapping her foot, her arms crossed, as Izzy finally dashed back down the stairs.
“I know! I know! Sorry!” Isabel supplied at her sister’s glare.
* * *
Tucker watched from his lifeguard chair, careful to keep an eye on the water full of people as the twins’ old, faded blue Ford pickup swung in and sputtered to a quick halt. Annie jumped out and immediately dashed for the chair next to his, her ponytail flopping as she ran.
Normally, Tucker would have turned to greet his friend as she climbed into the chair, but his gaze fixated on the long, pale legs that swung out from the other side. He swallowed, transfixed as Izzy stepped out of the truck, the ocean breeze blowing her dark brown hair back from her shoulders to reveal creamy white, un-tanned skin. An unexplainable chill ran up his spine.
“Hey, Tucker,” Annie smiled, “Has there been any action today?”
Tucker jumped a little, praying she hadn’t realized what action he’d been nearly thinking about. “Huh?” he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his sandy, blonde hair, pulling the wind-blown strands away from his face.
“Has there been any action today? You know, someone drifting out too far, a surfer wiping out on a wave, someone drowning…” Annie elaborated as she slapped on sunscreen and sunglasses.
Tucker scrambled to gather his thoughts as he turned his eyes away from the parking lot, his suntanned forehead creasing in concentration as he searched for the correct response. “Uh…no, no action today.”
Annie looked at him with curiosity as she set the sunscreen aside. “What’s with you? You seem kinda out of it.”
“Nothing. I, uh, I guess I’ve been out in the heat a little too long. My shift’s up soon, though. I’ll make sure to get some water.”
“Okay…,” Annie replied, giving him an ‘I’m not sure if I believe you’ look. “Who’s on duty when you get off?”
Trying to remove the awkwardness from the conversation, Tucker casually stretched his nicely toned muscles before he responded. “I think that new guy Wesley has the next shift. He should be here any minute.”
Annie sighed. “Hmmm… it sucks that we don’t have the same shift more often. The other lifeguards are always too busy scoping out people for possible dates on the beach to have much of an interesting conversation with…except for Emma. She’s okay. Anyway, it gets kind of annoying.”
“You only think it’s annoying because you’re with Jet. If you were single like the rest of us, you would probably pay a little more attention to who’s looking fine out on the beach. The view’s actually pretty nice.”
“Like Izzy.” The thought slipped in without warning. He shook his head, shocked, and wondered where it came from. Izzy had been one of his best friends for years. He didn’t see her like that. “Don’t go looking for trouble,” he told himself.
Annie rolled her eyes. “Maybe so, but at least it’s not all you talk about.”
Tucker laughed, forcing his brain back to a safer conversation. “That’s just because I know better. I’ve known you long enough to know what annoys the crap out of you.”
“Hey, Annie. Hey, Tucker,” Wesley called from below. “Sorry I’m a few minutes late, man. I ran into this really hot chick on my way over. She had a very nice personality...” he stressed to Tucker.
“Yeah,” Tucker said as he climbed down from the towering chair. “Saw quite a few nice personalities myself today.” Once on the ground, he turned to Annie and took a few steps backward, ready to head out after a long shift. “I’m gonna run over to Waves for a drink. I’ll see you later.”
“Alright,” Annie replied as she waved him a goodbye, her eyes searching the beach. “Hey, no throwing the sand!” she screamed down at some children near the water.
* * *