“Maybe I just prefer not to listen to guys who make things up because they’re jealous!” she retorted and stomped off to find her date.
He scrubbed a hand up into his hair, gripping with a tight pull, and stormed in the opposite direction. How had he screwed that up so badly? He’d be lucky if she spoke to him within a month at this rate.
“But by then it’ll be too late,” he realized, knowing he had to do something.
He turned, hoping to still catch her as he scanned the room, but she was already gone. Running outside, he saw her date’s Mustang pulling out onto the main road.
“Damn it,” he growled, both hands going up to grip his hair as he paced back and forth. Determined, he tried texting her, but stubborn as ever, she ignored him. He growled in frustration, smacking his hand against the wall. “I have to fix this!”
His best friend then joined him at his side, shoving his keys into his hand. “Then go.”
He nodded and raced for the car. Doubt gnawed at him as he rushed across town, not sure if she’d let him explain, but he couldn’t let it go, not after what that jerk had said tonight.
Finally, slowing down and trying to gather his thoughts, he pulled up to the sound of her scream. With fear clutching him, and all thoughts out the window, he sprinted and burst through the door.