“Yes, ma’am. So you’re like my date then?” he teased as he opened a door for her. She flushed pink, and he wanted to bang his head against the side of the truck. Why did he say that? Izzy was Izzy, not a date, and she’d clearly found it awkward. “Sorry,” he said, climbing behind the wheel. “I’m in a weird mood today.”
“No kidding,” she agreed.
He started the truck before he could say anything else stupid.
* * *
It was already getting crowded, and loud country music was pumping through the doors as Isabel took in the dance scene. Tucker got wrestled away by a couple of girls from school almost as soon as he walked in. “Save me a dance!” she called out. He held up a hand in acknowledgment. Her gaze skimmed the room for her sister and Jet to find them dancing on the other side, or at least Annie’s attempt at dancing. It soon switched to a current pop song, and she jumped into the fray, losing herself in the music’s pull.
“Would you like to dance?” Isabel heard from behind her a few minutes later. She turned to see who the request came from and saw a Hispanic hottie standing near her in the middle of the dance floor, waiting expectantly for a response.
“Oh, Wesley, right?” He seemed pleased that she knew who he was.
“Yeah, you’re Izzy, aren’t you?”
“I work with your sister.”
Isabel smiled at the unnecessary statement. She had noticed him at the beach earlier that afternoon. He had looked nice out in the sun, and she liked even more the way he spiked his dark hair in the front with a little gel for the dance.
“Hi,” he said back, a handsome grin spreading across his face. “So how about that dance?”
Several songs passed while the two of them danced before a slow song came on. She wasn’t sure if Wesley would want to continue, but he took her hands in his and placed them around his shoulders for the slower rhythm.
“So, I know you’re not a tourist since you’re lifeguarding, but I haven’t seen you around before,” she mentioned, making conversation.
“My family moved here a few weeks ago,” he explained. “I just didn’t get enrolled for the last week of school.”
“Oh,” she said in both response and surprise as he led her into a spin. She laughed. “You know how to dance.”
“So do you,” he grinned, pulling her a little closer. She let him, taking in the scent of what had to be an expensive cologne. “Would you like a drink?” he soon asked.
She nodded as Wesley headed to the bar and scanned the room, looking for a familiar sandy blonde head. She was a little worried about Tucker. He was acting so weird today. She found him off to the side, looking cornered by a tall blonde from last year’s English class, her body clearly turned toward his in interest.
“Hey, Bev, do you mind if I steal him away from you for a while?” Izzy asked as she placed a hand on Tucker’s arm.
“Uh, no, I guess not,” Beverly replied, looking surprised and slightly annoyed at the intrusion to what she believed was a promising conversation.
“Great,” Izzy beamed her stunning smile at the girl, already pulling Tucker towards the dance floor.
“Thank you so much!” he stressed once they were out of the girl’s earshot. She had been talking his ear off, hinting for a date since she walked up, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
“Didn’t look like she was getting the hint,” Isabel remarked.
“We went out a few weeks ago, but she’s aiming for more,” Tucker shrugged. “Girls from school know I don’t do multiple dates. Tourist girls are so much easier.”
“Thank God, it’s summer then,” Isabel replied dryly. Tucker frowned, unsure about her tone.
They reached the dance floor just as an upbeat country song started to play. Izzy turned to him, her hair flipping across her shoulders, the braid having come loose a few songs ago. Her hands flew up into position.
“Let’s dance,” she stated.
Tucker grabbed her right hand with his left and placed his right one around her waist, ignoring the confusing tingles that shot through his body. He led them easily into the song.