The Promise
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Annie protested when she saw the dress laid across her bright orange comforter.
“No, I’m not kidding,” Izzy replied as she continued sifting through her closet. “Jet told me to convince you to dress up a little.”
“But why?” Annie asked, exasperated. “He knows I hate wearing dresses.”
“I don’t know why,” Izzy said as she pulled three dresses out, holding them up in front of the mirror as she contemplated her own ensemble. “I can give you a skirt instead, but honestly, sis, that’s the most Annie dress I have. It’s even got sunflowers! I probably bought it subconsciously just for an occasion like this. I can’t even remember wearing it before.”
“Just because it has sunflowers doesn’t mean I like it.”
“I can give you one like this instead then…”
Annie glanced over to see a short, sparkly number and scowled, scooping up the less ostentatious sundress instead. “Fine, but you’re not touching my hair, and I’m wearing flip flops,” she declared as she yanked it over her head.
Isabel smirked, pleased with the small victory, and started working on an over the shoulder braid before doing her makeup. She’d only just finished when the doorbell rang.
“Crap, I didn’t want to be late today,” she frowned, too curious about what Jet was up to.
Annie shook her head, slipping into her favorite pair of flip flops. “Not unexpected,” she replied. “I’m gonna go let the guys in.”
* * *
Jet leaned against the railing as Tucker took a seat on the Dearly’s porch swing. “How long do you think we’ll be waiting this time?” he asked.
Jet shrugged. “The usual.”
“Got it!” he heard his girlfriend call from inside.
“Maybe less,” he smirked.
The door yanked open seconds later, and Annie sprung into Jet’s arms. “Hey, babe!”
He hugged her back. “You look pretty.”
“Yeah, don’t get used to this,” she poked his chest, pretending to frown.
He grinned. “Noted. Come on, it’s just you and me for a bit. You mind waiting for Izzy, man?” he looked back at his friend.
“Uh no, it’s fine,” Tucker said, surprised. They usually rode together. He watched them walk next door to Jet’s old Mustang when the door opened again.
“Did I just see my daughter leave in a dress?” Bridgette Dearly asked.
Tucker chuckled. “Yep.”
“And you’re still waiting for Izzy, I take it.” She turned around and called out, “Isabel, what you’re wearing is fine! Get your butt down here! Hopefully, that helps,” she said, turning back to Tucker.
“Thanks, Bridgette,” he laughed as she ducked back inside. Surprisingly, his friend stepped out just a few minutes later. He just barely caught his jaw from dropping. “Wow.”
“Thanks,” Izzy smiled, glancing down and smoothing out some imaginary wrinkles. She’d picked a sparkly, blue dress that Tucker couldn’t help notice hugged her curves in all the right places before flowing out past her hips.
“They left?”
“Yeah, I’m your official chauffeur tonight,” he teased, stepping off the porch as he stifled a random urge to guide the small of her back. “What the hell, man? Get it together!” he told himself.
“Okay, but I swear, Tucker, if you pick up that redhead on the way or make me sit next to some casual make out girl when it’s time to leave tonight, I’m not talking to you for a week. I’m not going to be some random third wheel.” She lectured as she followed him across the street to his truck.