Biting into her had revealed nothing. I hadn’t drained her, but by the time I was done, she’d been near dead.
Some of the girl’s memories had been blocked purposefully. Likely with the knowledge that she would come in contact with someone like me or a mind mage. One of Queen Greer’s mates was a mind mage, so if my theory was correct, I would bet on the blocks being for him.
I dragged a hand over my face and sighed. The tablet on the desk beside me pinged with a message.
JAY:We’ve cleared all locations. Trucks with furniture and belongings are on their way to the ferry and should be waiting for you in Avalon. They’ve been cleared of all foreign charms and trackers.
JAY:Also, you need to stop using me as a removalist. I’m a fucking agent.
I responded with a roll of my eyes.
ME:You just helped the next Queen of Nyx. Be proud that you’re on her team.
Jay didn’t respond immediately, which gave me the chance to send him a second message.
ME:I need you to send over some of the children’s belongings. Clothes, toys, things they can occupy themselves with while we wait for news on their mother.
JAY:So, safe houses aren’t child friendly. Who knew?
JAY:I’ll have Briggs go through the trucks and transport some things over. Tell Archer to be ready. Need anything for Her Majesty?
ME:Her laptop if it’s been cleared. There should have been notebooks and folders on her desk. Those too.
JAY:I’ll see what I can do. Check in soon.
Before I could put the tablet back, the screen turned red with a call from the queen. I swallowed hard and accepted.
Queen Greer appeared; silver hair pulled back into a knot. Beside her, Seer Sable, with her bronze hair a mass of curls, braids, and charms, eyed me warily. Both watched me for a moment, and it appeared none of the Queen’s mates were joining the call.
Odd. Though I didn’t speak that thought aloud. Instead, I bowed my head and brought my fist to my chest. “Your Majesty.”
“Maeve. Good. I apologise for reaching out without notice, but I wanted to inform you that a new team is leaving for you now.”
I tensed. A new team? To replace us, maybe? Was Queen Greer unconvinced I would be able to return with Ivy? Was she questioning my leadership after the attack? Shame and guilt burned through me as I lowered my eyes from the tablet.
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
“They will be aiding you with Ivy’s return. We are uncertain of our enemies’ next move, and having an evacuation team on hand will protect her and her family. You are still the leader of this mission. Your team is simply being added to.”
I wasn’t sure if it was relief or something else that washed through me, but I was undoubtedly glad I wasn’t being pulled from Ivy’s side. I doubted leaving her with a new team would help her, especially with her magic developing at the rate it was. She trusted us, at the very least.
“When will this new team arrive?” I asked, pressing my hands together in my lap. “So, I can prepare the rest of my team for their arrival and warn Ivy of this change.”
Seer Sable gave me a pleased smile and nodded. “In under five days. They’ll remain at the safe house with you until the fullmoon and the crossing opens. Have you had a chance to discuss her mother’s condition with her?”
My shoulders rose and fell as if releasing a breath. “I have promised Ivy I would take care of it. She wants to tell her sisters something.”
Sadness filled the queen’s eyes. “Those poor girls,” she murmured, voice trailing off. “Leith is working to find ways to help them with their siren sides. He’s never encountered half-sirens left to the mortal world. But we will aid them in any way we can.”
“I know Ivy will appreciate that. She had no knowledge of her stepfather being anything other than mortal, so I know the revelation of her sisters being something else shocked her. Ivy wants what’s best for those girls; their care is her top priority right now.”
Queen Greer nodded solemnly. “I understand that. Which is why we won’t push for her to leave before she is ready. But it is necessary you move soon. In just over three weeks, the ferry will return to the mortal world. You have to move before then.”
We sat in silence for several moments, and I took the time to take in the queen. I’d noticed in our initial meetings how tired she looked, and it seemed the magic seeping from her and into Ivy was ageing her. Lines marked the corners of her eyes and lips, a tell-tale sign of her long and happy life. There were centuries’ worth of memories in the lines of her face: her rise as a Daughter of Nyx, the meeting of her mates, and the births of her many children.
Would Ivy’s life be as full? I almost laughed at that thought, knowing it would be fuller somehow. That she would make the most of her half-millennia as Queen.
Finally, I cleared my throat. “If it’s not too much hassle, I would like files on all those in the new team. As a safety measure, I’d like to know about them before they arrive.”