Queen Greer nodded. “Yes, of course. Ya’Dahir will send them your way soon.”
“And we should set up a meeting with her,” the Seer interjected, her eyes shining with mischief. “The girl needs to know she’s not alone in all this, and we need to give her some reassurance. Her life is changing rapidly, and without mate bonds, I suspect she’s feeling untethered right now.”
I shifted uncomfortably and blew out a breath. “I will talk to Ivy about a meeting. But…” I hesitated and met the Queen’s stare. “You should know a mate bond was revealed during the attack.”
Greer’s brows rose in surprise, while the Seer clapped excitedly. “Oh, how perfect,” Sable replied, winking at the Queen.
“We’ll discuss this further during our official meeting,” Greer said, her tired eyes meeting mine. “I do not want to add any pressure on her during this sad time. But I hope her mate can help her.”
I bowed my head in agreeance. I had no doubt Adrian would be capable of doing just that. Even after their rocky beginnings, it was clear the mage cared deeply for her—and she, him, even if she wasn’t ready to acknowledge it.
“If there is nothing else,” I said, “I should return to my duties. But I should mention that Ivy’s nightmares are getting worse, and I worry for her mental health. If we could get that potion…”
“Yes, that’s something I can acquire for her,” Queen Greer replied with a soft smile. The Queen continued by assuring me there was nothing else to the call other than the second team’s send-off, but Seer Sable cleared her throat before I could end the call.
“One last thing, Maeve Grey,” she said, voice hoarse and wicked. “Don’t second guess yourself. You were made the leaderfor a reason. You were given this job because I know what you’re capable of.”
With that, the call cut off, leaving me perplexed and uncertain as I stared at my reflection.
She knew. Seer Sable, it seemed, foresaw something she shouldn’t have.
“WE’REexpecting an evac team to join us in thenext five days,” Grey murmured, rubbing the corner of her eyes, “and we also have to prepare Ivy for a meeting with the Queen.”
It wasn’t my place to say anything, but fuck did I want to. None of this felt right. Not the evac team, which made my wolf uneasy, and certainly not a meeting with the damned Queen while Ivy’s trying to come to terms with what’s happening to her mother.
If I’d spoken up about the mate bond with Ivy sooner, then maybe I could have voiced all of that to Grey and had my opinion heard, but I’d let fear control me when it came to my sweet mate. No more. Not after the hell the wolf and I had gone through when she’d been kidnapped.
It made everything more complicated with Kingsley now recognising his bond. I shouldn’t have been surprised, especially with everything that had transpired between them.
“Who’s on the evac team?” I replied eventually, taking in the files littering Grey’s desk.
She reached for a stack and dumped them in front of me. Without a word, I picked it up and flipped through the pages of documents detailing the other team’s achievements, skills, and all the other bullshit Phoenix Centre staff decided was necessary to put into these personnel files.
Based on photos, I recognised the team from brief encounters over the years. I’d been working for the agency since I was eighteen, and some of these guys had come through as trainersor teachers at some stage. Their leader was one I hadn’t dealt with before, but a tightness started in my chest as I stared at him.
“Is it really necessary when we already have Jay’s team on the ground helping us?” I asked, tossing the files back at Grey.
She didn’t speak for a long moment as she gathered the documents and set them aside. I cocked my head as I watched her. The vampire seemed almost…stressed, which was uncharacteristic of her, and it certainly didn’t sit right in my gut. It soured her scent, which reminded me of the oceans along the Avalon coast, and forced me to sit a little straighter when her gaze finally landed on me.
“It doesn’t sit right with me either that we have to work with a secondary team,” Grey started, leaning back in her chair, steepling her fingers in front of her. “I personally want to keep our team as close as possible, and their team away from Ivy. But we don’t just have her to worry about.”
As much as I hated the idea of another team, she was right. We had the children to think about, and they were completely vulnerable. Having a few more agents on them would alleviate some of the stress from Ivy’s shoulders.
I ran a hand over my chin, taking note of the scruff growing along my jaw. Shaving hadn’t been a priority in days. “Can we trust this team?”
Grey’s eyes dropped to her hands. “I haven’t worked with any of them which worries me. We trust Jay because we’ve either trained with, or learnt from him.” She paused, shaking her head. “I don’t know about these new ones. But you should be aware that they are coming. I need you to keep an eye on them.”
Bowing my head, I blew out a breath. “I’m on it.”
“I would do it myself, but there is a lot of work to do to prepare for our departure.” Exhaustion filled her voice, and when I looked up, I couldn’t help but note the tired sag of her shouldersand how fatigue mingled with the stress in her scent. “I need to help Ivy with the plans for her mother.”
“I can handle these new agents,” I replied, shoulders tensing. I didn’t particularly like the woman, but Ivy and her sisters were suffering with Kerry Sullivan’s comatose status. In light of everything, I almost regretted my last words to her—more for Ivy’s sake than my own—but regardless, I wished there was more I could do for them. For my mate and her sisters. “Leave the evac team to me.”
Grey sighed and rose. “I’ll update you when I know they’re closer. We have time to prepare for them. Additional wards need to be set around the property. I want the few agents from Jay’s team to be aware of the new team but kept in the dark about anything else. We don’t need an accidental attack to draw attention to ourselves.”