Clara’s expression remained blank. “Married?” She closed her eyes despairingly. “Please don’t tell me, you took Adam’s jet to Las Vegas and got Elvis to perform the ceremony?”

“No,” Samira said. “Elvis wasn’t available.”

Clara laughed kindly. “You two are crazy.”

Ivan threw Samira an affectionate glance. “We’re in love. And this little guy needs his mommy and daddy together.”

“Aw… I love you.” Samira kissed him.

Jake gazed out the window and drummed his fingers on the table.

Clara cleared her throat. “Anyway, down to business. Samira, I’m afraid my friend says he has no record of your passport. It sounds like Langdon must still have it.”

Ivan glared at Jake. “I thought you said you looked for it.”

“I did look, but I couldn’t find it. But, seriously, I think you should just get the hell out of there, Samira. Something about this whole thing doesn’t add up, and I think Langdon’s planning something bad.”

“But he has my passport. I need to find it before I can do anything about staying in the country.”

“Well, I’ve been in this game for years, ma’am,” Jake said. “I know when someone’s acting sinister. I did a little research into him while you were in Nevada, but I was unable to find out anything too bad about him.”

“So what’s the problem?” Ivan asked.

“Well, just that your marriage is null and void.”


“You do know that Samira and Langdon have been married for six years, right?”

Samira frowned. “Mr. Langdon told you that?”

“Sure. And I checked the marriage register – you two are definitely married, which surprised me after you ran off to Vegas like that. It’s funny because you look so young. You must’ve married him as a teenager.”

Samira shook her head. “Jake, six years ago I was fifteen and living in Iran. I only met Langdon six months ago.”

“But the marriage register says –”

“I don’t care what the marriage register s

ays – I know what reality says. Langdon mentioned a late-wife. It must’ve been her information you saw.”

Jake frowned. “Late-wife? There was no record of you… of her… dying.”

“Well he’s obviously lying,” Clara said. “But why?”

“Who cares?” Ivan said. “As long as she and Quin are safe. All we need is her passport.”

“Well I guess I could have another look in his office when his back’s turned,” Jake said. “

“Don’t bother,” Ivan said. “I’ll get it.”

“How?” Jake asked.

“The only way I know.”

Clara sighed. “Wonderful, Ivan. You’re going to beat the shit out of him.”

Ivan shrugged. “Hopefully it won’t come to that. We’ll go back to the ranch now and tell him we want it back. Samira, you can pack your things while we’re there. Jake – you can come and help.”