She kissed him. “I was so scared and alone without you.”

He squeezed her tight, and they stayed like that together as a family, with Samira more determined than ever to go back to the ranch tomorrow and inform Mr. Langdon she was leaving. All she needed now was her passport.

Chapter Fourteen

Still swimming in the glorious feelings of last night’s amazing orgasm – as well as the beautiful wedding ceremony – Samira enjoyed the flight back to Texas, looking forward to keeping their lunch appointment with Clara at the little diner. She was dying to know whether Clara’s friend had discovered anything about her visa application – or her passport. But as Ivan parked the truck outside the diner, Samira saw Jake sitting in his BMW, waiting to meet them too.

They all climbed out and stood in the Texas sunshine. Samira pulled Quin close, adjusting his sunhat to protect him from the heat. She kissed him on the cheek and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him laugh. He was such a lovely boy and Samira wanted to give him everything.

Jake looked nervous today – humble somehow. “Hey, how was the wedding?”

Ivan smiled. “Great. You got anything for us?”

“Yeah, here.”

Samira was hoping this would be her passport, but Jake actually passed a letter to Ivan, which he unfolded and read.

Samira read it too. It was Jake’s official birth records – there was no doubt about it – his birth parents were Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan. A shiver flashed down Samira’s spine. So this really was her long-lost brother-in-law.

Ivan slung his hand to his hip. “Well Jake, you’re either telling the truth or you’ve got a damn good forger.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

The silence crushed down on them as the two men sized each other up. Samira feared they might stand here all day trying to think of something to say to break the awkwardness, so she spoke instead. “Jake, did you get my passport?”

He pulled himself back to reality. “No, sorry, Samira – I couldn’t see it in Langdon’s office. He was in there most the day yesterday, but I did look when I got the chance to sneak in.” Jake threw her a sincere smile. “Sorry.”

She hoisted Quin up on her hip – he was getting heavy. “So maybe he has sent it to immigration.”

“Who knows,” Ivan said. “But we need to get it back. Come on, let’s get out of this heat.” He turned to Jake and gestured to the diner. “Is Clara in there?”

“I didn’t go in. You told me not to approach the family or you’d rip my nuts off – remember?”

Ivan chuckled. “Oh I see… you’re scared about meeting your twin after all this time?”

Jake smirked. “Shut up.”

“Come on, I’ll introduce you. But not as her twin or long-lost brother, right. I don’t want to freak her out. We’ll just say you’re a private detective for now – which is true.”

“Sure, okay.”

Samira smiled at Jake. He seemed different today. As if he wanted to get along with his family. She knew Ivan didn’t trust him. But Ivan didn’t trust anyone.

They all strolled into the diner, and the Country and Western music hit them as hard as the cool air-conditioning. Clara was at her usual table, typing at her laptop and drinking coffee.

Clara glanced up as she noticed them walking over. She looked stressed from whatever she’d been working on, but as she noticed Quin, her expression morphed to loving and maternal. She stood up and grinned at her little nephew. “Hello, young man – it’s so great to meet you. How adorable are you?”

Jake flashed her a smile. “You’re not the first woman to greet me like that – and you probably won’t be the last.”

Clara glared at Jake. “You? Aren’t you the enemy spy?”

“We’ve persuaded him to come to the dark side,” Ivan said, as they all sat down. “He’s going to betray Langdon – for a good price.”

Clara looked down her nose at him. “I see. How delightful.”

Jake held her gaze. Samira could see he was suppressing his emotions – wishing he could throw his arms around the sister he’d once shared a womb with. He didn’t seem like the kind of person who’d be up for public hugs – and neither did Clara – but it was clear he was restraining himself. “Nice to meet you, Clara.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but Quin started to wriggle in Samira’s arms, so Ivan took him and jogged him up and down on his knee. “Listen, Clara, don’t tell any of the others, but me and Samira got married last night.”