Chapter Eleven

A half-hour later, Samira strode out of the house with her head held high, feeling her confidence slowly trickling back – which was interesting because she hadn’t even realized that her confidence had been so undermined since coming here. But now she understood – as she marched in the sunshine toward Lola’s cottage – that she’d merely been existing on this ranch. Waiting for something… but she hadn’t known what.

And now she knew. No, it wasn’t actually Ivan Quinlan who she’d been waiting for – although his presence – his love – certainly helped. But it was herself she’d been waiting for. She realized now that she’d lost herself after Ivan had ‘died’. A little piece of her had died with him.

But now she could feel her strength and power rushing back. And she wasn’t going to take anymore shit from Langdon. She wanted her passport back, she wanted to leave, and she wanted to make a family with Ivan and Quin far away from here.

Elation washed through her as she felt herself becoming stronger and lighter.

She knocked on Lola’s door and greeted her with a hug, then she strode over to see her precious little one. He was already awake and sucking his toes on his play-mat, and he was – as always – delighted to see her. Samira’s adoration for him strengthened every single day. He was her true love, brightening up her life with his adorable smile.

Lola started to sweep the floor as Samira picked up Quin and danced with him to the mariachi music on the radio – making him laugh.

Lola swayed as she danced with the broom. “You are like a sunbeam, Mrs. Langdon.”

Samira chuckled. “Thank you, Lola… We love Lola, don’t we, Quin?” She kissed her baby on the cheek. “You’re going to get the best start in life, my little monkey. Don’t tell anyone, but Mommy’s going to take you away from here.”

Lola stopped sweeping. “Away, Mrs. Langdon?”

Samira smiled sadly. She knew how much Lola loved them both. “Sorry. It’s what I need to do.”

Lola beamed a smile. “With your sexy cowboy?”

Samira burst into laughter. “Hopefully. You won’t say anything, will you?”

Lola resumed sweeping the floor. “I know nothing. But if you need a nanny, you ask me. Promise?”

“I promise.”

Samira held Quin close and enjoyed the feel of his little heart beating against hers. This guy was her entire world, and all the bad things she’d done recently, she’d only done because she’d thought it’d been the best for him.

But now his daddy was in town and she was ready to leave... Speaking of which, she needed to go see her other true love…

She kissed her little boy goodbye, knowing he was in safe hands with Lola, then she made her way in the sunshine toward Ivan’s cottage.

He answered the door looking gorgeous dressed in a pair of jeans with no shirt on. Samira tried not to gawp too much, but he’d shaved his beard, making him look delicious and clean – as well as masculine and rugged.

There was an energized sparkle in his eyes today, as if he’d been invigorated by their reunion too. “Good morning, goddess.”

“Morning,” she said, feeling like a goofy teenager in his presence. She wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him, but they needed to be careful – just in case the private investigator or even Langdon was lurking.

“Coming in?” he asked.

She stepped into the stuffy cabin and closed the door, then he pulled her close and kissed her hard.

“I missed you,” he said, between kisses. “I need to be with you all the time. Is Quin okay?”

“Yeah, I just saw him. He’s so beautiful, Ivan. He looks more like you each day.”

“I need to get you both out of here.”

She rested her head on his strong shoulder. “I spoke to Langdon at breakfast and he admitted he is paying that guy to follow me. He gave me back my driver’s license, but he insists that my passport has been sent away to the immigration department.”

“Well, Clara’s friend can confirm that for us soon.” Ivan stepped over to the creaky wooden table and grabbed a shirt to throw over his shoulders. “But there’s only one way to find out what’s going on here, and that’s to go straight to the source.”

“I did, Ivan, but he–”

“No, not Langdon – he’s obviously not planning on telling you anything. So we’ll just have to go to the other source, won’t we?”