“The private investigator?”

“Exactly.” He reached out and caressed her cheek. “How about we take a little trip somewhere secluded and find out what his fucking game is.”

Samira’s heart flitted like an excited racehorse. Suddenly, she felt ready to take on the world and win.

Her former rebellious self surged as she strode with Iva

n across the ranch, feeling as if they were outlaws on the run. Her body buzzed with exhilaration and they halted at his truck, which was looking shinier than usual. Samira wondered whether he’d been working on it this morning in the hazy sunshine. It seemed to gleam with the attention he’d bestowed upon it. She knew how it felt.

They climbed in and Ivan kissed her hard, before throwing the truck into gear and cruising down the long driveway toward the ranch gates. Usually whenever Samira saw the private investigator waiting for her she felt guilty or angry. But today Ivan was playing a game of cat and mouse. And Samira felt as powerful as a tigress.

She glanced in the wing mirror. “He’s following.”

“Great. Let’s see if how far he’s willing to go.”

They hurtled down the road, pretending they were trying to shake him off, but actually they were leading him into their trap. The rushing landscape enhanced Samira’s excitement as it whizzed past the window, and she saw the scenery change from lush green to barren and scrubby as they left civilization. The huge blue sky wrapped all around them, and the midday sun glistened on the black road as they drove through the stark landscape. There were hardly any buildings around now, and as the time sped on the highway narrowed and became a dusty dirt-track, tapering at the sides so there was just enough space for two cars to stand side-by-side. Ivan continued driving, wondering how far he’d need to go, and he was relieved when finally the road ahead became a dead-end, blocked off by a disused crumbling concrete building.

It was desolate, deserted, and dingy.

Ivan eased the truck to a halt and yanked up the parking brake, leaving the engine running.

“What are you doing?” Samira asked. “He’s behind us, and we’re facing a dead-end.”

“Trust me, sweetheart.” He revved the engine. “Hold on to something, okay.”

He glanced in the rear-view mirror and watched as the private investigator’s car halted cautiously twenty yards away. Ivan felt like a gunslinger about to take part in a shootout. His fingers twitched as he reached down and gripped the parking brake, easing it off with a click, then he carefully set the truck into reverse and – keeping his gaze fixed on the car behind – he suddenly came to life and jammed his foot down on the gas, propelling them backward.

Samira let out a shriek and grabbed the handrail as Ivan steered the truck straight past the private investigator’s BMW, scattering dust between them. He yanked the steering wheel downwards – which caused the truck to skid sideways – then he positioned them directly behind the private investigator’s car – blocking him with nowhere to go.

Without turning off the engine, Ivan threw open his door and strode over to the BMW, then he reached in and pulled out the struggling guy, pinning him against the hot metal.

Samira jogged over to join them. “Ivan, don’t hurt him.”

The private investigator wriggled in Ivan’s grip. “Let me go!”

Ivan pulled back his fist, threatening to punch him. “I’m going to ask you again, and this time I want the goddamn truth. Who are you and why are you following her?”

The private investigator pushed Ivan hard, making him stumble slightly. This guy was stronger than he looked.

Ivan grabbed him again and growled in his face. “I asked you a fucking question – answer me, asshole!”

The private investigator smirked. He had an annoying way of finding things amusing when he should be quivering. “Listen, Ivan, this has nothing to do with me – I mean her no harm. Mr. Langdon hired me to report back on what his wife’s doing – he wants me to keep an eye on her.”

“We know that,” Ivan said, shaking him. “But why.”

“I honestly don’t know.” He held Ivan’s gaze. “But I’ve been doing some investigating for myself and I’ve discovered the truth about you, Ivan Quinlan.”

Ivan was ready for this. “Oh yeah, planning to blackmail me are you?”

“No. I’d never do that to my own brother.”

Ivan froze. The hiss of a rattlesnake in the scrubby bushes pounded in his head, but he ignored it, focusing on nothing but this bombshell. He released his grip. “Brother? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I’m your long-lost brother Jake… Jacob – Clara’s twin. Your parents… our parents had me adopted.”

He’d said it so casually. Surely there was no way… Ivan tightened his grip on Jake’s shirt again. “Oh really, my long-lost brother, huh? You must think I’m fucking stupid.”

“No I don’t, Ivan. In fact, I know you’re pretty fucking smart.” He reached up and wrapped his fingers around Ivan’s hands. “Now if you’d care to let go of my shirt, I’d be happy to explain.”