The kitchen was as luxurious as the rest of the house, but retained a rustic and homey feel, with its flagstone floor, huge distressed-wood table, and oak beams on the high ceiling.

Two of Ivan’s brothers were in there, making coffee.

“Hey, you guys!” Ivan said, as he dumped the suitcase on the table.

They both turned and smiled as they realized it was their eldest brother. The younger one – who Samira recognized to be rock-god Joseph Quinlan – hugged him boisterously. “Ivan – great to see you!”

Both brothers were gorgeous – Adam was dressed in a designer suit and he was handsome and suave. But it was Joseph – in his trademark leathers – who really grabbed Samira’s attention. He oozed raw sensuality. She’d seen him on TV several times in the last year, and his performances were wild and sexually untamed. Millions of women adored him, yet he seemed humble and modest. He’d often appear on TV charity events, offering to dance with whichever woman bidded the most. And the donations were always in the millions of dollars for the privilege. Samira loved how he was using his natural charms and gorgeous physique for the benefit of others, and she couldn’t wait to have a chat with her new youngest brother-in-law – and perhaps a dance too if she was lucky.

But right now Joseph was gazing at his eldest brother severely. “We were beginning to wonder whether you’d forgotten us. Adam was starting to worry, right Adam?”

Adam leaned coolly against the granite countertop. “I knew Ivan wouldn’t let me and Amy down.”

Quin shrieked playfully in Samira’s arms, making the three

men look over.

“Joseph, Adam,” Ivan said. “This is Samira.”

Joseph gasped. “Oh my god – you found her! It’s so great to meet you, Samira.”

He strode over and hugged her, being careful not to squash Quin. It was strange being hugged so affectionately by a rockstar. She smiled, unresisting.

Adam stepped over and shook her hand – no hugs from this high-powered businessman. Samira guessed he was probably nervous about his wedding tomorrow – she was certain he wouldn’t be unfriendly on purpose.

“Who’s the kid?” Adam asked, gesturing to Quin.

“This is my son,” Samira said, trying to be vague.

Adam glanced at Ivan. “Very noble of you, Ivan.”

Ivan shrugged. “I love her.”

Samira pulled Quin against her and shivered with the chill of the air-conditioning. Or perhaps it was Adam’s chilly vibes making her feel cold. She glanced at the suitcase on the table. “I might just get my wrap.”

Ivan reached out and took Quin from her, holding him close as he started to whine. His stare was fixated on Joseph and he was wriggling in Ivan’s arms – probably feeling overwhelmed by all these new people. Samira knew how he felt.

“So how you been, Joe?” Ivan asked, trying to soothe Quin. “I was sorry to hear about your bandmate. Such a waste of a young life.”

Joseph shook his head. “The tabloids are loving it. Me and Ellie are trying to contain it, but you know what the papers are like.”

Adam gave Joseph a brotherly thump on the arm. “Joseph’s gone into anti-drugs overdrive, which is commendable. If Billy’s death can prevent any other young people from trying drugs, then maybe – just maybe – there’s something positive that’ll come out of it.”

“I hope so,” Joseph said, half-watching Samira open the suitcase. “I just feel so –”

The world screeched to a halt like a derailed subway train as Samira’s gaze fell on the contents of the case. Where the hell were her clothes? And – more importantly – what the hell was this doing in here? Out of the corner of her eye she saw Joseph staring in shock – mouth open, eyes wide. Samira stared too, feeling the energy seep into her knees – unable to believe what she was seeing.

Adam spoke first. “Ivan, what the fuck…?”

But Ivan’s gaze was glued to the suitcase too, as it sat so casually on the Quinlan kitchen table... Full to the brim with bags of cocaine.

A chilly silence squeezed Samira’s soul. She looked up to meet Joseph’s gaze – he was glaring right at her. “Is this supposed to be some kind of sick joke?”

“No,” she stuttered. “Of course not. I don’t know how this got in here…”

Adam scoffed. “You don’t know how a hundred grand’s worth of cocaine ended up in your bag? Ivan, you wanna explain what the fuck’s going on? I’m getting married tomorrow – I do not want the fucking vice squad showing up at the church!”

Ivan held up his hands. “I must’ve picked up the wrong bag.”