“He’s coming back,” Ivan said.

The cop halted at his side again. “All seems to check out here, sir. You know you got a faulty tail-light, huh?”

“No officer, I didn’t know that. I’ll get it repaired as soon as I can.”

“Alright. You’re free to leave, but… ma’am?”


“You’re going to need to secure your baby in the baby seat. It’s illegal to hold him in your arms like that, and extremely unsafe.”

“Yes, officer. Sorry.” She quickly climbed out and strapped Quin in, trying to keep her hands from shaking.

The cop watched her as she climbed back into the front passenger seat. “Alright, you folks have a nice flight.”

He walked off and drove away. Ivan watched him, making sure he was gone, then he turned to Samira, who exhaled and burst into nervous laughter. “God, I thought he was going to drag me away from you.”

“I’d never let that happen.” He reached out and gently brushed her cheek, then leaned forward to kiss her on the lips. “You’re so tense.”

“Well, are you surprised?”

“No. But let me help you to relax.”

He reached down and eased his fingers under her skirt, running them up her thigh and toward her panties.

Samira’s eyes closed and she grinned. “Oh god… should we really do this out here?”

“I can’t keep my hands off you,” he said. “You’re so soft and perfect.”

She opened her eyes and smiled. His face shone with adoration, and she knew she could trust him to the end of the universe. She shifted position and opened her legs to give him access. He kissed her as he delved his fingers into her panties and then into her pussy, which was quickly becoming wet from this illicit roadside encounter with her gorgeous husband.

“You’re so hot,” he whispered, as he massaged her G-spot with his strong fingers.

“Ivan… you’re… so good at that.”

The joyful pleasure swirled in her pelvis at his touch. Even though it was exciting, it somehow felt innocent to be doing this discreetly by the side of the road. She sensed that he just wanted to do it for her – requiring nothing in return but the sight of her enjoying the ultimate gift from him. She suddenly understood everything – he simply wanted to make her happy. Ivan was tough and assertive, but Samira knew in this moment that he’d always be there for her and Quin.

She leaned against the car door as he continued to massage her G-spot, lightly brushing his thumb over her clit – quickly getting her there. She groaned and grinned as she the blissful feeling struck deep inside and washed through her body – delivering her to that glorious place outside of the real world where her spirit soared with freedom and contentment. She ground herself against Ivan’s strong fingers, gripping the door handle and extracting as much pleasure as she could – trying not to be too loud, but unable to suppress the groans that flowed instinctively into the world.

The quick and intense orgasm faded and she opened her eyes as Ivan respectfully withdrew his wet fingers. They smiled into each other’s eyes. She gasped, still half consumed by the beautiful feelings of delight. “That was amazing…”

“You’re so beautiful when you come, Samira. I could watch you lose yourself in pleasure for eternity.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “You’re a good man, Ivan Quinlan. But you will be getting that favor returned next time we’re alone. Just you wait!”

Chapter Eighteen

Samira was excited but nervous about meeting Ivan’s family. In some ways she felt it was better to keep their marriage a secret for now, because it meant she could meet everyone without too much pressure.

The Quinlan house was stunning – a three-story mansion set in its own sprawling grounds. From the outside, it was well-lit and seemed warm and welcoming, despite the vast extravagance. Samira had become accustomed to the luxury of the ranch-house, but this place was even bigger and more impressive. Ivan parked the car they’d hired at the airport next to a flashy Ferrari, making a comment that Adam must’ve already arrived.

Samira was amazed when he let himself into his parents’ house with a front door key – even though he’d moved out years ago. But she knew they were a tightknit family, so it made sense that they would come and go as they pleased. Ivan closed the door and draped his arm around her shoulders to lead her and Quin down the lavish hallway – carrying her suitcase in his other hand. The house was airy and modern inside, and the hallway gleamed. Samira forced herself to relax. This was her new family…

Ivan led them past a door where a large group of people sounded as if they were enjoying themselves – excited chatter and party music spilled out into the hallway.

“Let’s dump our stuff in the kitchen,” Ivan said. “Then we can freshen up, and go say hi. Alright?”

She nodded. “Sounds good.”