Toby groans over the airwaves. “It's always the older members of our family who are the slowest to adopt new ideas.”
“Hey. As the oldest in this little menagerie of a family we've got goin' here, I take offense to that,” Ruthie grumbles over the air. “Over.”
“See, Red! Even the Sallys can understand the basics of walkie-talkie etiquette. Over,” Tobes replies.
“Copy that, Christmas six,” Red says. “Doesn't mean I'm gonna be caught dead singin' on stage again in front of a bunch of strangers. That was a one-time deal. Over.”
“Aww, c'mon Red. You know you wanna sing with meeee,” Mags says sweetly over the line.
“Ugh. All of y'all are gonna be the death of me, I swear. Over,” Red grumbles.
“What were you thinkin', Christmas two,” Miss Dottie's voice calls over the line. “Oh, and over. Did I get that right this time, Toby?”
“Copy that, Miss Dottie. Over,” my brother shoots back, sounding over the moon that at leastoneof us got it right.
“Good. Good. Uh, over,” she replies.
“Let's be clear. You want us to have a Christmas song sing-off tonight at the Singin' Canary? Over,” Mags asks as Red's unmistakable groan fills the line.
Charlie eyes are dancing now as she holds her hand out for the handset. “I think it's high time weallheard how good Mom and Red are at singin', and the rest of us too. It'll be a hell of a lotta fun and a good way to get us all in the Christmas mood before we hit Rainbow Springs tomorrow to surprise George the gnomery owner. So good idea, Cora. Who's in? Or are y'all too chickento embarrass yourselves in the name of a bit of holiday hilarity? Over.”
“Ignore my husband, Charlie Bear. We'll be there with bells on. Over,” Mags says.
“Count us in!” Star declares enthusiastically over the walkie-talkie. “Over. Sorry, Tobes!”
“You're on, Christmas four,” Miss Frankie chimes in from the Sallys's radio. “I've been known to hit a high note or two in my day so the Sally Forths are in too. Over”
“We're in, obviously. Over,” Rhett replies.
“Count Christmas five in too. Over,” Lee replies.
That just leaves the master of ceremonies now. “You game, Toby? Over,” Charlie challenges.
“Hell, yeah. I'm gonna out-Christmas the whole damn lot of you. Over.”
“Copy that,” we all say one after the other.
“Should we talk about where we're all stayin' tonight? Over,” Rhett asks curiously. “Mags?”
“How 'bout you let Red and I surprise you with that when this convoy rolls into Anchorage. Y'all can focus on tonight's festivities at the Singin' Canary and think about what songs y'all are gonna sing. I can guarantee you, this is gonna be one for the books!”
When Mags said we'd be surprised by our accommodations for the night, the verylastthing I expected was a seventies revival motel that has me worried it's straight off the set of Saturday Night Fever.
The exterior of the motel is painted in vibrant shades of orange and yellow, with neon lights flickering around the sign that reads “The Disco Inn.”
As we park our decorated trucks in front of the motel, I can't help but exchange a bewildered glance with Charlie. It's clear that whatever their motivations, Mags and Red have truly outdone themselves with this surprise.
As we step inside the lobby, the faint smell of stale cigarette smoke and a mix of cheap cologne fill the air. A disco ball hangs from the ceiling, casting glittering specks of light across the room. The receptionist, a woman in her fifties with a beehive hairdo and hoop earrings, greets us with a toothy smile.
“Welcome to The Disco Inn, groovy tunes. Are y'all lookin' for a room for the night?” she asks in a thick accent that I can't quite place.
Red steps forward, flashing a charming smile and holding out his hand for the woman to shake. “Red Grayson. My wife called you from the road. We're the big group from Bull Mountain ranch that's stayin' here tonight.”
“Ah, yes! We've been expectin' you,” the receptionist replies, her accent becoming more pronounced as she speaks. Sherummages through a stack of keys behind the counter before handing a bunch of key tags to Red.
“Here you go, darlin'. Rooms are all ready for ya. Hope y'all enjoy your stay at the Disco Inn,” she says with a wink and a smile.
Red hands out the keys, he and Mags sharing a suspiciously conspiratorial look before we all go our separate ways to find our rooms.