As we reach ours, I look down into Charlie's gorgeous gaze and smile. That calm feeling disappears the moment we open the door and stop dead in our tracks at the sight of the…interestingdecor in front of us.
“Oh my god!” Charlie says before dissolving into giggles. “This place is a trip!”
“Holy hell!” we hear Rhett holler from the room next to us.
“Enjoy!” Mags calls out, laughing from further down the balcony.
Charlie grabs my hand and drags me inside, closing the door behind us. “Come on, let's see what else this room has in store for us.”
I shouldn't be surprised, the decor is just as eccentric as the outside. There are fringed lamp shades, shag-pile carpet, vinyl armchairs, and a comforter in a shade of orange that should've stayed in the seventies where it belonged. There's even a peace sign hung above the headboard.
Moving behind my struck-still wife, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back against my chest. “Looks like we'vestepped into a time machine,” I say, pressing a kiss to the side of Charlie's head as she continues to laugh at our surroundings.
“I don't know if I should be amused or slightly terrified.” She turns in my arms and shoots me a grin.
“Well, at least the bed looks comfortable,” I say, nodding towards the king-sized bed.
Charlie raises an brow mischievously. “Are you suggesting we test it out?”
Laughing against her lips, I give her a soft kiss. “That's a fantastic idea, wife,” I say, loving her squeal as I scoop her up bridal style and carry her to the bed.
She smiles up at me as I hover my body over hers. “I can't believe Mom and Red stayed here.”
I dip my head to pepper kisses down her throat. “Not sure I want to talk about your mother right now, Char.”
She whimpers. “Hmm… me either.”
“Good. Now let's make a better memory in this room, yeah?”
And for the next while, I don't care about anything other than my wife.
Because our group is so large, Red called ahead to the Singing Canary to warn them we were coming. When we arrive at the bar, I'm glad he did.
They've pushed together a bunch of tables to create a giant booth facing the karaoke stage at the back of the bar.
I'm sitting across from the Sallys who seem bright-eyed and bushy-tailed considering the late hour. “Are you lookin' forward to gettin' to Rainbow Springs tomorrow?”
Ruthie smiles. “Yeah. I just want to turn the town white and red and green with Christmas cheer. Everyone's had a hard year so what better way to end it than transforming a sleepy ol' town into Santa's grotto.”
“What you're all doin' is very thoughtful. You know?” I say.
Dottie grins. “That's us, Sallys. Always aimin' to make others smile.”
“Well, except that damn thievin' duck. Istillfind feathers on my front porch every mornin'. It's like the bird has nothin' better to do than aggravate me,” Aggie grumbles.
“Are there Christmas dishes with duck?” Frankie asks the table at large.
“Hey, I'll have you know that the dastardly duck is the reason Colt and I are together right now,” Lee says, smiling over at her doting husband. He looks at her the same way I catch Red gazing at me, and by the blush on her cheeks, I know Lee loved it as much as I do.
It's like a warm glow that spreads throughout your entire body, caused by knowing that the one person put on this earth for you—your soulmate—is right by your side where they belong and where they're going to stay forever.
“I just hope he didn't hitch a ride or thinks to follow us to Rainbow Springs. Imagine the havoc he'd create there,” Red pipes up from beside me.
“He'd probably steal one of George's gnomes and put it on the church spire like a Christmas tree star or somethin',” Ruthie says with a snort.