“I heard that!” the man in question calls out.
“Andthenwe'll go back to our cabin and recreate the shower scene from when we were in Ninilchik…” Now her gaze is hooded and all I can think about is the day I dropped my towel without thought because I had to check she hadn't hurt herself, giving her an eyeful of alotmore than either one of us bargained for.
“I'll hold you that,” I say, brushing my lips over hers.
“That's what I'm hopin' for,” she whispers with a smile before stepping back and grabbing the toolbox at our feet. “But first, cookies.”
Miss Aggie rubs her chin as she looks down at my cookie. “Not sure I've ever seen such a…uniquecolored Christmas bell.”
The Sallys along with wives of the Arrys–Delly, Kelly, Mellie, and Jane–yes, I was expecting an Ally, Hallie, or something similar too–are the official judges of our impromptu challenge and they've been taking turns to walk around all of our tables in the bar to oversee the proceedings.
“I tried green, then red, then blue, and then it all mixed together and created…this,” I explain with a sigh.
“At least you're havin' a good ol' Alaskan try, Red. That's all we can ever ask for. Right?” Miss Frankie adds, glancing at my plate and fighting back a grimace.
“That's exactly what I told him. We can't all be as enthusiastic as Toby,” Mags says, diverting the two ladies' attention over to the table next to us.
“Anyone would think this was the Great British Bake Off or somethin',” Cora remarks.
Rhett smirks. “You'd know, princess. You have me watchin' every episode back home.”
“I'm startin' to think Tobes has been moonlightin' as a cake decorator,” Landry teases.
When I said the man is determined to win, I wasn't lying. Case in point, he's decoratedthreedifferent cookies, and each is painted to perfection with bright icing matching the shape of each baked good.
One looks exactly like Duck Norris, down to his one leg and mischievous gleam in its eye. The next is a perfect replica of a snow-covered mountain peak, complete with tiny silver sprinkles mimicking glistening snow. And the final one is a miniature cabin nestled amongst trees, smoke curling from its piped icing chimney.
“Wow, Toby, those are amazin'!” Miss Aggie exclaims, her eyes wide with surprise.
Toby preens under the praise, flashing a cocky grin at me and Mags. “Told you I had skills.”
The other members of our family gather around, holding their own wares on plates in front of them. Cora looks from Toby and Dee's table then back to her cookie—a simple green tree with a few lopsided ornaments drawn on with a piping bag. “Well, I can't compete with that,” she says with a shrug while she eyes Toby suspiciously. “Anyone would think you've beenpractisin'.”
His brows arch. “You think I've got time to paint cookies with all the work we've got to do around the ranch?”
“That's not decoratin', they're works of art with icin'. I remember our attempts at the Holly Jolly Cup last year and they werenothin'likethat,” Star says, pointing to the cabin cookie. “It even hassmokecomin' from the chimney.”
Dee jumps to her husband's rescue. “This is supposed to be afriendlycontest guys. Just a little fun between couples. Don't forget your Christmas spirit now,” she chimes in, placing onehand on Cora's shoulder. “It's all about spreadin' cheer and helpin' George have a good Christmas. Ain't that right, George?”
“Sure is,” the man of the season says from his bar table. “Voila!” His grey beard is splattered with stripes of different colored icing, but his smile is brighter than ever as he very slowly–and carefully–places his one cookie on a plate and stands up. Then, gripping the plate tight, he walks it over toward us, stopping in the space Mags and I make for him.
When he puts down the plate on Toby's table we all lean in,farmore invested in this contest than most of us would care to admit.
“Wow,” Lee whispers.
“George, that's amazin',” Mags gushes.
Toby sighs. “Dammit. Another one bites the dust. George, you have a talent.”
“Really? I think yours are pretty good too, Toby,” the gnomery owner replies. “The kids comin' to the festival are goin' tolovethem, and isn't that the reason we're doin' all of this? I love Christmas just as much as the next person–” he looks around the group, “as much as all of y'all do. But Christmas is not just about cookies and decorations and trees. It's aboutthis.About spendin' time with loved ones and friends. Cherishin' the moment and makin' memories.That'swhat I really wanted for Christmas. That's what y'all are givin' to me–”
“Us too,” Harry pipes up, Larry, Gary, Barry, and Cary all nodding in agreement.
“George, you're not just a givin' man, you're a smart one too,” I say, giving him a soft clap on the back. “That's why we're all gladto be here to give you, your friends, and the town of Rainbow Springs this week, this festival. Y'all deserve it.”
“Can't believe I met you a few months ago and now y'all are here makin’ this the best holiday season ever.” George’s positivity is starting to become contagious… even for someone likeme.
“Haven't finished yet either,” Rhett says.