“Y'all have already done so much,” George says, his eyes getting glassy–and not for the first time since we arrived.
“And we're goin' to see this through with you, Georgie.” Toby wraps an arm around the man's shoulders and jostles him from side to side until they’re both chuckling. “We're here until Santa comes?—”
“You meanyoudressed up as Santa, right?” George stage whispers.
“Shhh. I'm Santa's official representative for the town. It's top secret,” Toby replies, playing along. “But yes. We'll have apples to hand out to the kids and we'll be here to watch you put that special ornament you're makin’ on top of the town tree. We're goin' to visit all the festival stalls and eat all the food—however wonderful or weird they are. This is goin’ to be the best Christmas ever.”
George looks a little overwhelmed but there's no denying how happy he is. He looks to his friends and their wives, Cary giving him a nod before George turns back to the group. “There's somethin' the guys and I want to do for all of y'all to say thank you for your kindness. We were thinkin' we'd all meet out at Harry's land tomorrow night and go from there.”
“Thought we were the ones givin' the gifts this year,” Mags says with a wry smile.
Gary nods. “Let's call this a little bit of us givin' somethin' back to you.”
I nod after everyone from Bull gives their approval. “OK, George. We'll be there with bells on.”
He claps, looking just as happy as the day when we came to surprise him. “Good, good. Just make sure you're dressed for the cold. You'll need it where we're goin'.”
“What exactly have you got planned for us, Georgie?” Toby asks, saying what we're all no doubt thinking.
Then the man laughs and gives us a wink. “I guess that's for me to know, and all of y'all to find out.”
December 22nd
When I woke up this morning next to a snoring Frankie in our two-room cabin, I was a mix of excited and sad.
Excited because today is the day we'd be putting all of the finishing touches on the town square, completing Santa's grotto, and setting up all the market stalls for the festival tomorrow. But sad because afterward, we'll be bidding farewell to Rainbow Springs and heading home.
Don't get me wrong, I love Spring Haven, I was born and bred there. There's just something about this charming little blink-and-you-miss-it town that has claimed a part of my heart.
Now is not the time to dwell on our dwindling time here though, because there's work to do.
The crisp winter air nips at my cheeks as I step outside the Toad Stool and Axe Bar where all the food has been cooked, cut, wrapped, and priced for tomorrow's food stalls. Since weall want to give George the best damn Christmas he's ever had, we're all making sure it's going to go off without a hitch.
All of us Sallys walk out of the bar and toward the town square, rugged up warm in our boots, coats, and winter hats, the snow crunching underneath our feet with every step. I smile when I see that the town square is a hive of activity. This time it's not just the Bull Mountain couples with their hands full, the Arrys, George, and a bunch of other townsfolk are also bustling about.
George, Red, and Mags are finishing up the decorations on the giant Christmas tree, the only thing missing is a tree topper.
George has been very tight-lipped about what he's been working on, but we'll soon find out exactly what he's made and I can't wait.
After he places the topper and we turn the lights on, that's when me and the Sallys will retire to our cabin for the night and the rest of our Spring Haven group will go to Harry's land for the surprise George and the Arrys have planned for them. But before that can happen, there's work to be done.
When we reach the town square, I stop and turn to my best friends in the world. “Alright, ladies,” I say. “Today's the daybeforethe day.”
“Can't we just say that the festival is tomorrow?” Dottie says, lips twitching.
“Maybe she's caught George's wordy bug,” Frankie replies.
I roll my eyes which just makes them all chortle. “We've got the baked goods ready for sale. Now we need to make sure everythin' else is ready.” I turn to Aggie. “Do you want to go around the men and check in with them, make sure they've got everythin'they need? If they don't, let me know so I can try and fix that for them.” When she nods, I move on to Frankie. “Do you want to find Austin and see exactly what he's workin' on? He's been secretive all week about somethin', and I can't find him anywhere.”
A sly grin curves her lips. “I know why that is. He's been workin' on another surprise for the town, but especially for George. Him, Tobes, and Landry were up late last night tryin' to get it finished in time for tomorrow's festival.”
My brows furrow. “Why didn't I know about this?”
“That's easy. Because it's asurprise. Duh,” Aggie says slowly.