Page 77 of Bad Nanny

Was I willing to let go of something that filled me with so much joy? I didn’t think I could, but that went for both things—the puppets and the family.

Family. The word held so much weight in my life already, and adding Gabriel and Delaney to it seemed like the natural next step.

Family wasn’t just blood; it was the laughter, the silent understanding in shared glances, the gentle hands that picked you up when you stumbled. It was Delaney’s bright eyes and Gabriel’s reluctant smiles. Could I let all of that go over an inanimate object?

After finishing my ramen, I went into my closet and took Sarah from the box I kept her in. The first time I’d slipped her onto my hand, she’d felt like an extension of me—all of my puppets did, even Eggplant Earl.

My puppets were just as much a part of me as any person. Why should I have to stop something that was harmless? If I were showing myself or my name on my videos and content, that would be a whole other conversation, but I wasn’t.

There was a knock on my door, and I sucked in a breath as I threw Sarah onto my bed. I couldn’t avoid the conversation that needed to happen. Gabriel deserved an explanation, and I owed it to him and Delaney to not keep secrets, no matter how awkward or anxious it made me feel.

I opened the door, sending up a small prayer to thepuppet gods that he’d want to have a two-way discussion, instead of losing it on me. He was still dealing with so much emotionally that I wasn’t so sure.

“Hi.” I felt as awkward as I had the first time I’d come for an interview, unsure of what to expect from this intimidating man.

His eyes immediately bypassed me and went to the bed. I stepped out of the way as he stepped inside and took Sarah from where she was lying face down. He examined her like he’d never seen a puppet before.

“I’m sorry.” I was glad he had his back to me, so he couldn’t see how badly my hand shook as I shut the door.

It took him a minute to speak. “You’ve been living a double life under my roof while caring for my daughter, and you thought it was okay to keep it from me?” He turned, holding up Sarah before he dropped her back onto the bed behind him.

I took a step back, wanting to turn and run. I’d done this to myself. It was my fault we were in this place now. “It’s a part of who I am. A part I thought I needed to keep separate.”

“The fact that you felt the need to keep this separate says enough.” His eyes were distant, like he was talking to an employee and not his girlfriend. “What else have you kept separate, Josie? What other secrets are you hiding?”

Words failed me for a moment. “It’s not like that.”

“Isn’t it?” He shook his head, the hurt morphing into something harder. “I trusted you. With mydaughter.” His words were like a slap to the face.

He was upset, but to question my trustworthiness because of something that didn’t affect his life orDelaney’s was unfair. “What I do in my free time has nothing to do with me taking care of Laney.”

“Everything you do impacts her! You gave out my address and had a barrel of lube delivered here. What’s next? One of your fans showing up?”

I wished I could disappear into the ground. “I only gave it to the company because they couldn’t send it to my P.O. box.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “It doesn’t matter if you gave it to the President of the United States. If they wanted to, someone could plaster it all over the internet for a few quick bucks.”

I hadn’t given any thought to that happening. I’d made a mistake, and it very well could turn our lives into a spectacle. Gabriel’s and Delaney’s privacy was my responsibility, and I’d jeopardized that without a second thought.

“You’re right.” There was no hope of keeping the shakiness out of my voice. “I’ll talk to my agent and see what I can do in the future. Everything has happened so fast, I’m just now figuring things out.”

“Your agent.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement of disbelief.

“Yes, my dad?—”

“Your dad knows about this and is okay with it?” He laughed. “Unbelievable.”

I hugged my arms around myself, trying to keep from falling apart. “He’s supportive. It’s not like he can stop me from doing it.”

He put his hands on his hips, like he was talking to a child instead of his equal. “And what if I wanted you to stop doing it?”

Why did this surprise me, when I’d already known he was going to more than likely want me to stop? He was fiercely protective of Delaney, and his life had been blissfully predictable until I came in and whipped a puppet out of my purse.

“Have you even watched any of my content? I think if you did, you’d?—”

“You have an OnlyFans!”

“Will you let me talk?” I bit my lip to stop myself from bursting into tears. Tears would make everything worse. “I’m not showing myself.”