Page 65 of Wolf Forsaken

Kicking his hand away, I backed up as Eli went for his neck to deal his final blow. I turned, not wanting to see the aftermath.

“We’re coming.”Cole’s voice was all I needed to lose the last bit of composure I had.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked out at the forest. Bone and Rover had the two men that had been with Dante on the ground, guns trained on them to keep them from moving. One man had blood coming from his leg.

I gasped, somehow hearing the last breath leave Dante's body. Falling to my knees, I clutched my chest.

What the hell was happening? It felt like my heart was being pumped full of blood and was going to burst. Was I having a heart attack?

My body didn't feel like my own and then my wolf burst free, the sounds of ripping fabric and my growl startling me.

Power coursed through my body, and I tilted my head back and let out a howl like I’d never heard before. Other howls sounded around me. The men on the ground and Bone and Rover had shifted.

“Ivy?”I turned to find Eli down on his belly, his eyes wide as he stared up at me.“Your eyes.”

What about my eyes?

I was like an outsider, watching as my wolf took over. I approached Eli, my teeth bared. This wasnotwhat I wanted.

The words that were sent through our connection were buried deep inside me, as if they were preloaded for this moment. I spoke in a foreign language, a question at the end, but the power in them nearly brought me to my knees.

Eli whimpered and rolled over, baring his neck to me. I lunged forward, biting him, the tang of his blood sending a surge of power and desire through me.

I turned, finding Xander had arrived, already lying on his back, baring his neck. He watched me with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine. I repeated the foreign words to him.I didn’t even wait since he was already ready for me. I bit into his neck, the power inside growing.

Silas and Cole stood next to each other, looking on with teeth bared. I growled right back, moving toward them, my hair bristling as they continued to stand their ground.

“Submit.”My growl was savage.

Silas made a final growl and then lowered to the ground. I repeated the same thing to him as I did to the other two and he rolled onto his back, giving me his neck.

“Cole.”Was I going to have to fight him? I really didn’t want to. Something told me whatever was happening was beyond our wolves, and I would win.

Cole’s growls stopped, and we stared at each other for a moment before he lowered to the ground, completing whatever had just happened.


The wind swirled around us, howls filling the sky as the other members of the pack, including Silas’s pack, howled. They were acknowledging me as their alpha.

“What the hell just happened?”Silas cocked his head to the side.“And have your eyes always glowed silver?”

“What? They’re glowing?”Whatever had come over me seemed to have passed, and I had control of my wolf again.

Cole nuzzled my neck.“Glowing like you’re a superhero.”

The other three gathered around to nuzzle me and my heart soared. I loved these men. They were it for me.

“I hate to break this little party up, but we need to take care of the body and clean up the treehouse. I’m surprised it didn’t catch the whole forest on fire. It’s saturated with kerosene.”Hearing Manny in my head was something I’d have to get used to.

“I don’t understand why he’d burn the treehouse.”Eli was wistful.“We had so many good memories there.”

“Wait, how can you speak to me?”Manny cocked his head to the side. I knew eventually I wouldn’t find it adorable anymore when another wolf did it, but for now, it was still cute to see a wolf with a curious tilt to the head.

“I don’t know. I can hear everyone.”Eli looked at me, then at Cole as if he had all the answers.

“I can hear everyone too. It’s like a group chat.”Xander let out a yip.“Does that mean…”

“We’re all alphas?”Xander, Silas, Cole, and Eli all said it at the same time.