Page 66 of Wolf Forsaken

“Ivy’s the alpha.”Manny backed up a step.“What the hell is going on?”

I didn’t have an answer for that. We were all safe, and right then, that was all that mattered.

Chapter Twenty-One


Iwas the alpha.

How did that even happen? I didn't know what the hell I was doing and was much more likely to bite someone's head off than Cole or Silas. There wasn't an alpha bone in my body... except there was.

Which was why I was lying awake at two in the morning instead of sleeping.I was born to be an alpha.My father had been the alpha, and who the hell knew what my mother had been.

The week had been insane. After the stunt Dante pulled, then my wolf naming herself alpha of both packs, people were up in arms. I couldn't blame them.

I scooted out of bed, careful not to wake Cole. He'd been quiet in the last week, offering me advice but not fighting what had happened, at least not yet. I'd tried to talk to him about his feelings, but he had shrugged and shut down.

He'd been groomed to be an alpha, and I'd swooped in and taken that away. I might have been his mate, but that didn't change the fact that I had the job.


I needed to decide what to do about my career. With Cole and Silas as my pseudo co-alphas, I could probably swing at least part-time. But was that what I wanted?

No wonder I couldn't sleep.

I shut the bedroom door quietly and tiptoed down the stairs. Our massive custom-made bed that everyone laughs about on the internet wouldn't arrive for a few more weeks, so for the time being, I was bed hopping.

Jokingly, I'd put a sign-up sheet on the refrigerator, and I damn near had to break up a fight between Cole and Silas. Pulling two grown-ass men apart for fighting over a pen was not how I thought cohabitating would go.

The faint sounds of talking and flickering lights from the television came from downstairs. I got to the bottom and stood behind the couch, where Silas was sitting.

"What are you doing up?" I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

He grabbed onto my arm as I started to pull away and turned his head to take my lips. We had yet to do anything besides kiss, but that was mainly my fault for passing out every night as soon as I hit the pillows.

Only, I had too much weighing on me.

And an ache between my legs. There was definitely that too.

"I should be asking you the same question." He patted the seat next to him.

"Can't sleep. Too much on my mind tonight." I sat down next to him, scooting against him when he lifted his arm to snuggle. "I need to decide if I'm going to quit my job."

"Hmm. Tough decision." He didn't look away from the television, which had some ridiculous late-night cartoon on. "Would it be a bad thing if you quit?"

"I like what I do." I put my head on his shoulder. "I just don't see how I'm going to lead a pack that was just thrust back together after decades of hostility and be able to focus on a full-time job."

Silas's fingers traveled up and down my bare arm. "You can probably do more good by starting some kind of foundation with Cole's money."

"I can't ask him for money."

"Sure you can. I already asked him if he'd foot the bill for adding a workshop. He's our sugar daddy now." I turned my head to look at him, and he couldn't keep the grin from spreading across his face.

I shoved away from him with a laugh and moved to get up. I'd come downstairs for a late-night snack, not to watch television. Silas caught my hand and pulled me to straddle his lap.

"Where do you think you're going, bunny?" He moved the hair off my shoulder and ran his fingers along the strap of my top.

"I thought a snack and warm glass of milk might help me fall asleep." I shut my eyes and made a sound of approval as his hand moved across my cleavage.