His silence said he would argue the point no longer. I felt the sting of betrayal. He was no longer pretending reluctance at Renaud’s idea. I would bet my House the two had merged. Raniel’s touch was gentle, but Renaud liked to wrap his hand around my throat.
But he relented. “What are your concerns, my halfling? Do you fear for your survival?”
“Of childbirth? No, of course not. I just . . .we’re on the brink of a war, Raniel, a long war. We don't even know if either of us will survive.”
The Prince shrugged a shoulder. “If you do not survive, then pregnancy is a moot point.”
He wassucha bastard, and I was going to have to come up with a different word because bastard was inadequate. “You know what Juhainah wants with me.”
“No, I do not. Not fully.”
I stared into his calm eyes. They were still gray. He was still distancing himself from me. “She wants me to give over my body to her, willingly, at the point of my natural death.”
He stilled. “I see.”
There was at least one good thing in dealing with an Old One. I wasn't required to extend lengthy explanations. When he said I see, he meant it. Reading my thoughts wasn't required.
“I will not allow that to happen, my halfling. You are mine. What are your other concerns?”
“I would make a terrible mother. My mind is a mess. I close my eyes and all I see is my mother’s remains, and Embry’s blood, and a decade plus of. . .” I stopped, inhaled. “I function, but bringing a baby into my world would be irresponsible.” And the Prince had his little issues, too.
“Is your. . .Susenne. . .not helping you?”
I laughed. “I am going to be in her care for a while.”
After a silence spent staring at my face, he said, “No circumstance is perfect, and I know of no Fae of your rank who is not plagued with similar. . .difficulties. It does not change what I want.”
Fury bubbled up my throat. “Even if it weren't for my issues, I don't want to be a mother any time soon. If we survive Juhainah, I want to travel, I want to bring Everenne screaming and frothing into the modern century. I don't want to be nursing a baby or changing diapers or worrying that someone will attempt to use my child against me!”
“We will arrange the situation so the logistics are to your satisfaction. You are not without resources, Aerinne. You will not be alone. I myself have raised a child who survived to adulthood.” Apointedreminder.
Right. I curled my hands into fists. “You are not listening to me. The only logistics that would be to my satisfaction is to not be forced to breed.”
He gave me a long, inscrutable look. “I am listening, and I understand your words. You do not want a child. But this is my price.”
I closed my eyes briefly. “If I say no? Could you execute me?”
Renaud held my gaze, his glimmering with cruelty. “Yes, I could. Choose, Aerinne. Choose now.” His eyes softened. “But if you choose execution, I will follow you into the grave.”
My knees buckled.
Raniel caught me in his arms, cradled me against his chest as if I were the little girl I'd once been. There was nothing carefully restrained about the way his lips touched my forehead, trailed across my temple and down the side of my face as he walked toward the bed.
I slid my arm around his neck, clinging to him, inhaling the scent of his skin as the silk of his hair fell against my cheek.
I couldn't help but feel desire; the inevitable burn of want, the sweet bitterness of longing, the mad desperation of unquenched need and the knowledge that I would never, ever, be strong enough to escape him.
The fear that no matter what he did to me, I would neverwantto escape him.
He'd already done anything and everything that was unforgivable. Lied, manipulated, began his seduction of me far too early. Killed my mother and imprisoned my brother.
And now was giving me this repugnant illusion of a choice.
I had to pay for Embry. I wanted to pay for Embry. I wanted peace in Everenne so finally we could turn our full attention to the greater threat. None of that would happen unless RanielRenaud had his dark justice. But not like this.
A life for a life.
That was how the son of the Graverose extracted revenge.