Page 75 of Heir to His Court

A black brow flicked up. “I am Raniel.”

“Raniel never threatened me. He would never—”

“You knew me when you were a child, my halfling. Of course I held back my hand with you then.”

I stiffened as Raniel began to pace around the bed.

“No.” He held up a hand. “Do not run from me. It will bring Renaud to the surface, or perhaps even the General. I am loathe to give you over to either of their hands tonight. We are in a volatile mood.”

“I want Darkan.”

He lowered his hand slowly, the set of his shoulders indicating displeasure. “You may have me.”

I whirled, giving him my back though I took the advice and didn’t run. Several deep, even breaths later I was able to speak again, calmly.

“What do you want me to do, Raniel?”

“Give him what he wants.”

I clenched my jaw. “Why?”

“He will allow us no peace until you do.” His voice was closer now.

“Can you not merge your personalities?”

“That would not be to your benefit—not at this time, even were we in agreement and the complete remerging possible.” A hand on my shoulder. “We were sundered long, long before you were born, Aerinne.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Raniel slid his arms around me, drew me against his back. “And what should I have said? You have been warned of the madness of Old Ones your entire life.”

“Not ofthis.”

“No.” A near silent sigh, and his lips on my rounded halfling ear. “I am sorry. I am sorry that you will inevitably suffer, and I am equally sorry that, knowing it, I still cannot let you go.”

I closed my eyes, leaned my head against him. “Do you speak for Renaud right now?”

“I. . .do.” A wry smile in his voice. “He is not well pleased. I will not be able to restrain him indefinitely, Aerinne.”

Raniel’s hands began to ghost up and down my sides. He leaned his head forward, deliberately no doubt, aware the silk of his long hair against my bare skin seduced me.

“If I do this,” I said softly, breaking his hold and stepping away, my arms at my sides, my fingers trembling, “if I do this, you will forgive me for Embriel. You will release Danon. There will be no punishment against my House.” I turned and lifted my chin, hardening my voice. “And you will owe me a favor in the future. A significant favor.”

His eyes slightly narrowed, but he inclined his head. “If you do this willingly. It must be willing, Aerinne. My Heir cannot be conceived of coercion.”

I laughed. “You're splitting hairs. This entire scenario is coercion, even if I technically say yes.”

“It is negotiation.”

He closed the distance I'd put between us and quick as a striking wyvern, grabbed me at the back of my neck and pulled me against him. Violence seethed underneath ruthless control. His fingers didn't tighten, and he didn't otherwise move or hold me hostage. Simply waited.

“Willing,” he said softly.

“It's not that simple, Raniel.” And Raniel was fooling himself. He didn’t entirely control Renaud. “I never wanted children.”

“Then you have a decision to make, for this is the extent of my mercy.” His eyes paled to gray. “Allowing you to choose, rather than seducing you to my will.”

“It is no choice.”