Page 20 of Heir to His Court

He walked me out of the revel toward a dense copse of maples. I waved to Nifario, who stood—then sat once his gaze snagged on Renaud’s face.

Out of the direct sight of the revelers and away from light cast by the nearest streetlamp, the Prince pressed me front facing against a tree trunk.

This felt so familiar.

“Why am I always forced to come to your rescue?” he murmured. “I think you enjoy making me your servant.”

“You have an overprotective Fae male in rut complex? I was in no danger, Prince, at a University revel. You clearly have some untreated issues.”

His breath tickled my ear as he pinned his hips to the curve of my ass. “Did you leave your guards because you hoped someone would take advantage tonight, Aerinne? Or were you asking for my attention in the only way you allow yourself? By taunting me with your safety?”

I couldn’t tell if I was talking to Raniel or Renaud. I was learning, painstakingly, the subtle differences in his personality depending on his mood. The Prince was angry, if the talons digging into the bark on either side of my head, and his use of my name, weren't a clue. Otherwise it was my halfling, or sweet halfling child—Lady Aerinne when he was feeling snarky or formal. Aerinne, or halfling,usuallymeant I was in trouble.

“You have no faith in my ability to take care of myself,” I said.

“I have faith in your ability to bait enemies more powerful than you. You haveperfectedthe art.”

I baited no one. Some Fae chose to run afoul of the interests of Faronne. That was not my fault.

“Well, fuck you very much,” I muttered, peeved it sounded like a pout. Intoxication shaved about ten years off my maturity level, such as it was.

Renaud slid a knee between my thighs, leaning his weight against my body. “Is that what you were trying to find this evening? A fuck?”

The word, in English, falling from his elegant mouth seized my core. “If you want to have this fight, we should do it face to face.”

He kissed my cheek gently. “I prefer this position. It reminds you of your place.”

I went from annoyed to enraged in a second. “Myplace.” I pushed back against him, and got absolutely no where.

Renaud laughed, a low deep chuckle that wound around my spine and skittered through my body. “Yes, your place. Naked on your stomach, your ass in the air, your pussy wet and open for my pleasure.”

He meant it as a taunt, and it was working. A hiss rattled in my chest.

Despite my anger my body still reacted as the warm breath emitted from his laugh brushed my skin. He drew my hair out of the way as he pressed his lips against my neck. Teeth grazed my skin. He slid a hand around my front and cupped a breast.

“I didn't come here to bait you into leaving the palace,” I said, sucking in air, trembling with growing arousal. “I—”

“Your excuses don’t interest me.”

“I needed some time to—” He pinched my nipple, hard. I shrieked. Such an undignified sound for a warrior. “What in the Dark was that for?”

“Punishment,” he said, voice dark and now absent all amusement, or sensuality.

“For what?” I wriggled, but he had me pinned.

“Allow me to elucidate the many ways you have offended me tonight. And then I will extract payment.”


“First, by leaving your home without protection.”

“I am protection enough.”

I tried to shift again, but he pressed harder against my body, his erection proving that he did, indeed, enjoy me on my stomach. Evidently lying down was not a requirement.

“I care nothing for your Skills in battle, Aerinne, anyone can be defeated if caught off guard by an opponent equally as dangerous. Do you believe there is anywhere in this city safe for you? For the one I’ve claimed asmine?”

There was no good answer I could give, especially in the face of his incredulity at my. . .naivety, for lack of a less insulting term. His anger and concern were twin eddies scalding the inside of my head. His doubt in my ability to protect myself irritated me, but it was difficult to remain angry with someone who loved you enough to care. Raniel's love had never been in doubt. Just his methods.