Page 19 of Heir to His Court

“Kiss Esau for me tonight. Well, this morning.” I smiled at Nifario and entered the revel. One of the perks of my rank, though I never pressed the issue.

Crossing the grassy clearing, I averted my gaze from the backdrop of the University buildings, weaving between tables, and headed to the bar setup. I sat on a stool facing the crowd. Like I thought, a band was setting up in one corner. University students, from the heavily human influenced dress and the human female singer. Bold choice.

“Rinne,” the bartender said laconically, stepping toward me.

I should probably be ashamed the regular weekend bartender also knew my discreet use name. Maybe that meant I spent too much time drinking and brooding in this revel versus working or doing something otherwise productive.

“Min Joon,” I greeted. “A Dragonflight, please.”

His gaze flicked across the empty seats next to me. “You alone tonight?”

I sighed. “Yeah.”

“You wanting to stay alone?”


He nodded and went to make my drinks. He'd keep the two seats next to me empty, and I suspected from past experience, would alert security staff to keep an eye on me though Nifario likely already had. It's what I would do in his place. A Lord of a feuding House shows up with no guards, if you're smart you make sure they leave in the same condition they came.

I tossed back the first flight of shots and ordered a second. I wasn't planning on getting sloppy drunk, that would add insult to the injury of escaping my guards, but I desperately needed a fuzzy blur. A blunting of my thoughts and emotions. Yes, there were better coping mechanisms. Susenne would hunt me down soon so she could remind me of said coping mechanisms, but right now my philosophy was to do whatever worked.

Whatever kept me from snapping, or spiraling, or whatever I felt haunting the edges of my psyche. No part of me felt centered, calm, in control. Every plank my life was built on had been ripped up, and I was expected to walk on air rather than solid ground. And yes, it was my responsibility and my duty to keep my shit together, but I was still a person.

After the second flight, I ordered a third, though I slowed down after Min Joon gave me an inscrutable sidelong look. I'd been coming here for years, so far he'd never had to cut me off, though once he'd kicked Juliette, Tereille and I out. We hadn't started that fight, we'd finished it. I'd promptly paid the repair bill—out of my personal funds, which had been highly unpleasant. But worth it.

The human/Fae band was well into their third song, and the revel well under way as dancers left tables and spilled onto whatever bits of grassy lawn were available. I turned on my stool, giving the area a long, calculated look but recognized no one. Perfect.

I finished my drinks and headed to the dance floor, joining the crush and letting the heavy music beat through my blood. Another few Dragonflights, and I’d show these children what I’d learned in New York exotic dancing my way through a year in college. Not that I needed the encouragement of alcohol. If Juliette had been with me, we’d probably already be on the tables.

I was well on my way to fuzzy now. Someone in that band had a musical affinity, because the music gripped me and wouldn't let go. I could break the compulsion, but I allowed it to sweep me away.

At a certain point I struggled happily to recall why I was supposed to remain on guard. I felt comfortable in this place. Other than the occasional expected fight, there had never been any major incidents here. If there had I would know because all the Houses kept a list of potential security concerns in the city.

I closed my eyes, tilting my head back and lifting my arms, unsurprised when hands settled on my hips.

I didn't mind, the revel was for dance, to indulge with a stranger and then walk away unscathed by nothing but unfulfilled lust. Though, not always unfulfilled. But even if my body responded, Renaud would kill any male I took.

My silent partner’s touch strengthened when I didn't protest, giving them implicit permission to join me.

He pulled me against his chest. Our bodies moved to the tempo and I laid my head on his shoulder, drifting. A hand slid between my legs, resting in the juncture of my thighs, which was far too bold. His other hand slid up my torso, cupping a breast.

As I contemplated whether or not to take offense, I vaguely realized the male was tall, broader than me, holding me with a casual possessiveness that began to ring muted alarm bells in my fuzzy mind, his scent haunting. Blackberries and dark forest and—

I stiffened as lips brushed my ears.

“Where are your guards?” the Prince asked.


It took me a moment to claw out of deliberate inebriation—and ensure my mental barriers were intact because I was not ready to talk about our deargrandmother—and another moment to think of a good reason why I was drunk and partying alone and got caught letting a strange male put his hands on me. Not a strange male, of course, but he would argue the principle. I shouldn't let anyone this close to me without a second watching my back. I was fast, strong, deadly, blah blah blah, but in this state a trained assassin could easily slit my throat.

The simmer of Renaud's anger was obvious, at least to me, like ice flurries underneath his skin. How could he be so hot and so cold at the same time?

“No response? Or are you too intoxicated to speak?”

Belatedly, as I began to protest, I grasped that I wasn't quite talking to Renaud. I was also talking to Darkan, and Darkan knew I had no excuses as well as a strong streak of reckless behavior when under stress.

I thought you were going to give me privacy,I said.