Wave’s eyes turn from me to Harley, who has anger vibrating through him. “Nothin’, Prez, just giving Serena a hand with her bag.”

Harley glares, and then, with his eyes still on me, he says, “Wave, you and me, outside.”

Taking the last step down the stairs, I reach out to Harley with my hand on his shoulder, “No, Harley, he’s telling the truth. He’s helping me with my bag.”

“Serena, if you know what’s best for Wave, you will stop trying to protect him.”

“But Harley—”

“No! Serena.” Harley points to me. “This is between Wave and me.”

I shut my mouth because I don’t want to make things worse for Wave. Damn me and my big mouth. Harley turns, walks toward the door, and opens it. Wave drops my bag and follows him out, shutting the door behind him.

Moving aside the curtain from the front door, I watch, hoping to hell there will be no fighting.Poor Wave. Me and my big mouth.Even so, why is he taking it out on Wave? He did nothing wrong.

Watching through the window, I find the other boys behind me looking as well.

“What went down, Serena?” Tom asks, and I turn over my shoulder to find him looking past me at Harley and Wave, who now look like they’re arguing. Wave has his palms up, pointing a finger at him, his body vibrating with anger.

Looking around at the other guys, I find them all watching from the living room or right beside me at the front door. It occurs to me they’re distracted, and this may be myonlychance to run, break free, and get back to Luca.

Shit, Serena, you need to be careful.

If I’m caught, then Harley will never leave me on my own again.

I have to be smart.

Looking back outside, it doesn’t seem like their argument will end soon. Harley is still yelling. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but I know it’s not anything nice by the all-out shouting.

You can do this, Serena.

This is your chance.


With all the courage I can muster, I move past Tom and Curly, who are laughing and still looking outside. Taking a few steps back, I quietly turn and walk down the hallway, looking over my shoulder to ensure they haven’t noticed me leaving.

There has to be another door somewhere leading to that big backyard I saw this morning. Quickly, on my tiptoes, I bolt to the back of the house, and my excitement picks up when I find a door in the kitchen. When I reach it, I listen and look to see if anyone has noticed and is running down the hallway to follow me.

I hear nothing but some laughter, probably laughing at what an idiot Harley is being. My hand reaches out to the doorknob, and I twist it while the other quickly unlocks the bolt on the door. There’s a slight creak, and I hold my breath, trying to be as quiet as I can. Pulling on the door, it opens, and my heart beats so fast I can hear it pounding in my ears.

You can do this, just… keep going.

I chance one last look and still see their backs facing me, so I sneak out the door and quietly close it before I can talk myself out of it.

I’m on a wooden balcony and find stairs that lead down to the grass. I take the stairs and look around, trying to find an exit. The backyard has a high fence, and I know I won’t be able to climb it. So, I rush to the side of the house and find a gate. I run to it, but there’s a damn padlock. Rattling it, I find it doesn’t budge. However, this gate is not as high as the fence, so I hold on to the panels in the gate and place the tip of my toe on a ledge that’s about mid-height.

Using all my strength, I pull myself up and hold on for dear life. The image of the front street comes into view. I try to be quiet as I lift my leg over the fence and straddle it before I carry my other leg over and hold on, now facing the backyard.

Harley and Wave’s voices reach my ears, and I know they’re still out front.Shit, how can I escape when they’re right there?I will have to wait until they go back inside the house, and when they do, I’ll have to run for it.

My hands ache as they hold on to the top of the fence. My grip is slipping, so I decide to jump down and hope I don’t make any sound when I do.

I should be okay since there is grass underneath me.

