I continue to brush my hair, ignoring his words.

“Serena, did you hear me?”

Placing the brush on the dresser, I turn around to face him. “Yes, sir, I heard you.”

Frowning, he takes a step closer. “You playin’ with me, Serena? You know how much I like to play.” He leans in, and his hot breath brushes my skin. He whispers, “If memory serves me well, you like to play too.”

“I’m hungry now,” I state, needing to escape his temptation. I move past him and pick up my coffee before I take a seat and a bite out of my toast.

He watches me, his stare captivating. “Think about changing into pants.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, you’ll be on the back of my bike, and I’m not sure those legs will stay warm in those shorts.” His eyes look down at my legs, and I see hunger staring back at me.

“I’m not riding on your bike. I’ll ride in the van,” I answer, sipping my coffee.

He takes a step toward me and smiles. “You know that isn’t gonna happen. Plus, you love riding on my bike.”

“Ha, I think the word is did love,‘did’as in past tense!”

“You will love it again, you’ll see. Now get dressed. We leave in thirty,” he says with finality, then turns around and walks out the door. I sit there for a minute, finishing my toast and coffee and trying to work out how I can get back to Luca. He must be so worried. Either that, or he thinks I left him on our wedding night.

But I can’t think about that now.

I need to come up with a plan.

Where is my phone?I have got to get it back.

Standing, I walk to my bag, grab my jeans, and quickly pull them on, knowing Harley was right when he said I would get cold. I mean, I can fight over riding on the back of his bike, but like he said, I do love it. I love the carefree feeling of being on a motorcycle with nothing but the sound of the engine and the wind running through my hair.

I used to love how I would wrap my arms around Harley’s body and hear his intake of breath when I did. I could never get sick of how his body responded to my touch. Do I still have that effect on him? His hand would trail around him, and he would place it on my calf, which made me feel like I belonged to him and he belonged to me.

It was a good life, a great one actually, and one I never thought I would ever give up. But I did. I had to because Harley gave me no choice. When I think about the day he left, my heart aches at the memory and pain I endured trying to get over him.

Walking down the stairs with my bag in hand, I meet Wave there. He smiles, his blond hair wet and half tied up, giving the length of it a kink. He’s a good-looking man, and I can’t for the life of me work out why he hasn’t settled down and found someone. Probably too busy with the club whores.

“Mornin’, darlin’, you good?” he asks with genuine concern. His hand reaches out to grab my bag, and a thought occurs to me,Maybe Wave can be the one to help me get back to Luca.Who am I kidding? He’s the VP, and Harley is everything to him and the club. He would never choose me over him.

“I’m okay, I guess,” I say honestly.

“Don’t worry, Serena, you ain’t got nothing to worry about. Harley will look after you.”

I freeze. “Look after me? You’ve gotta be kidding. If you recall, he didn’t do a very good job of that three years ago.”

Wave drops my bag and takes a step closer to me. I rest my hand on the banister, trying to steady myself.

“Serena, he never stopped loving you… that I know. He was lost without you. But some things had to take priority. I watched him for months, putting everything into finding his father’s killer. There were nights he wasn’t sleeping or drinking himself to sleep. I saw the pain in his eyes every time I spoke your name. He knew he had to protect you, and to do that, he had to drop all communication with you. He never stopped caring about you.”

My heart aches from hearing the words.

“If he loved and cared for me, why didn’t he make any attempts to call or reach out to me? It’s been three years, Wave…three goddamn years,” I shout, forgetting where we are. Tears blur my vision, and footsteps coming from the other room reveal Harley with his jaw set in stone.

“What the fuck’s going on here? I can hear shouting from the other room.”

I swallow hard, trying to compose myself.

“Wave,” I asked you a question. “What the fuck’s going on here?”