He kisses me on my lips again and then he’s saying, “I love you,” before he walks away and opens the door finding Trigger on the other side.

They both leave, and I sit on the bed, trying to gather my thoughts. This whole thing with the gardener, Matt, doesn’t make sense, and the thought that I’d have to spend a night under this roof with Tash doesn’t sit too well. I know I said I’d support Ryan, but the thought of another women ever loving him or sleeping with him just claws at my jealousy. I know I have nothing to worry about but still. She loved him once, and he must have loved her too.

Stop it!

So I rid all those thoughts out of my mind and head back out to the crazy clubhouse.



This is it. It’s now or never.

We’re all hiding out behind the trees of a big white mansion that sits on a hill.

We make out the gunmen surrounding the place, dressed in black, and I speak into my headset, saying, “Just as we thought, they have the house surrounded.”

“Just say the word, Tracker, and we’re all in,” Prez answers.

We inch closer, making sure we are not seen. Tate has got to be in there. If my skills in detective work are correct, he’s being held in the basement of this mansion.

This house belongs to Clemente.

Clemente has houses across the globe. After all, he is the organizer of all the missing women. The head honcho. My investigation showed that Lawrence flew here on a private jet and is a guest in Clemente’s home. Clemente lives in Mexico, but together they flew here and have my brother and Luke with them. We are sure of it.

Holding my breath, I speak into the mic, “Ready, here goes nothing.”

Looking up at the house, I see the bodies of the security men falling. Our men snuck up on them, covering all the security we found, killing them off one by one.

The lights turn on around the home, and more men exit.

I look to my left, then my right, and look at my brothers. “Here goes nothing. Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” they reply, their eyes full of adrenaline like they’ve just sniffed some coke—they’re ready for action.

We stand and run toward the home, shooting our way as we get closer to the front door.

Bullets fly everywhere, and I make sure to duck, weave, and hide behind items to ensure I don’t get shot. Looking around, dead bodies are lying on the ground, and I am happy that none of them are my brothers.

Kicking open the door, two men are there with shotguns in their hands, firing instantly.

Two shots sound from behind them, and before I can shoot at them, they fall flat to the floor. Looking up at the stairs, I find Trigger and Bear with their guns in hand. I smile with a chin lift then make my way further into the house.

Shots sound from the side of me, and another security guard is dead.

Cable and Flame, Sinners’ members, step around the corner with big smiles, blood now streaked on their faces.

“He’s not up here,” Trigger yells from the top of the stairs.

“We searched everywhere,” Bear adds.

Nodding, I make my way around the stairs and notice a door at the end of a hallway. On my way to that door, I make sure to check all the other rooms, but they all come up empty.

Nodding to Rhyder and Prez, I let them know I’m fine before I continue down the hallway.

More shots are fired, and I look back behind me, finding bodies on the floor.

Fuck! This is becoming a blood bath—it reminds me of a scene fromScarface.