He frowns. “I’m sorry, babe. I haven’t had time to come out here and explain what all this is about.”

“It’s okay. Jasmine gave me a rundown,” I reply, chewing on my bottom lip.

Ryan stops me by pulling at my lip with his fingers. “You’re worried, aren’t you?”

I nod. “Yeah, if I’m honest, I am. I’m not sure what’s going on exactly, and I’m worried you’re going to do something stupid and get yourself hurt.”

He brings me into him and holds me. We stand there for a while, and he runs his hand down the back of my hair. “Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”

Looking up at him I ask, “Please be safe, Ryan.”

“I will. I don’t want you to worry about me, I’m always safe,” he says with a smirk, and I know by that smile he’s lying. He’d probably be the first one to jump into the firing line if it meant protecting his club.

He cups my face and looks up around us, then back down at me. “I need to chat with you. Follow me.” Ryan grabs my hand and leads me to his room, unlocks the door, and then we enter.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I wait for him to talk, but he looks as if he’s trying to decide if he should tell me or not. This makes me think something is up.

“What is it, Ryan?”

He walks to me and gets on his knees, resting his hands on my thighs. “I never wanted to bring this up again, but you know the man who was at the holiday house? The one who said those things to you?”

“Yes,” I reply, fidgeting with my hands. He places his over mine and continues, “He’s one of the men who has Tate.”

Raising my eyebrows, I ask, “What do you mean? Who is he exactly?”

“I don’t know, but I saw a video of Tate being taken hostage, and one of the men standing beside him was Matt… if that’s what his real name is. Why he was at the house, I’m not sure, but something tells me he was most likely following me.”

I stand, and Ryan follows. “Did he try to kidnap me?”

“That did cross my mind, but if he was trying to do that, then why didn’t he take you that morning when I was still sleeping. No…” he says, shaking his head. “He had an opportunity and didn’t take it.”

“So why, then? Why was he there?”

Ryan shrugs. “Probably keeping an eye on me. Making sure I didn’t get in the way of them taking Tate. Who really knows.”

I hug Ryan and start to cry. “If anything was to happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do?”

He holds me by my shoulders, pleading, “Nothing’s going to happen, okay? I won’t let it. Now dry those eyes… I can’t stand seeing you cry.”

Sniffling, I wipe them away and try to place a smile on my face. “Okay.”

“Now, I want to run something past you.”

“There’s more? Oh God, what is it?”

“This whole thing with Tash and the kid… just for their protection, I was going to get them both to come into the clubhouse so they’re protected. I just don’t trust what the cartel knows. Would that be okay with you?”

“Of course, it’s okay by me. He could be your son, Ryan, which means he’s your family.”

“God, I love you. How did I get so lucky?” he asks, leaning in and resting his forehead on mine.

“Just remember that,” I reply, smiling.

He kisses me briefly before there’s a knock on the door. “Tracker, Prez is asking for you.”

Ryan curses under his breath. “I’m sorry, baby, things are crazy right now and they’re only going to get crazier.”

Shaking my head, I say, “Don’t be. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”