What will he do with me?
Am I the first he’s ever bought?
Will he rape me?
All these questions keep rattling around in my brain, yet I don’t know if I’ll get the answers.
I think of Paige and wonder where she is.
Was she sold to a rich man as well?I think that’s obvious—these assholes paid such exorbitant prices for us.
I wonder if she’s flying somewhere else or staying in Mexico?
My heart sinks at the thought of Paige alone with a complete stranger. I make a promise to myself that no matter what happens to me, somehow, in some way, I will get Paige home again.
I don’t know how.
But she deserves that much, even if it’s just a promise.
The plane lands, and I look out the window noticing green mountains and fields in the distance.
Where are we, the flight wasn’t that long?
Even though it’s a private airport, there’s something familiar about it. I look over at Master who’s packing his laptop into a satchel and hear the pilot say, “We’ve touched down on US soil.”
The US?That means I’m home.
Master’s eyes are immediately on me, and his stern look tells me he knows what I’m thinking.
Where are we in the US?
I look out the window once again trying to figure it out or see some sign, but there’s nothing for me to see.
Master stands and hands his laptop to Dion, then offers his arm for me to accompany him. Once we step out of the plane and make our way down the stairs, the warm air hits me. There’s another black limousine waiting for us a few steps away from the jet.
The driver has the back door open ready for me, and once again, Master lets me in first, and I scoot over to the end of the seat. Master shuts the door, and I feel the cool air of the air conditioner blowing on my face. Champagne and glasses sit to the side, and I wonder to myself how many other girls have sat here in this same position.
The limousine begins to drive, and a sign comes into view—Sonoma Country Airport.
Wearein the USA.
My heart beats faster with that realization, and then as we continue to drive, a sign approaches, and it reads, ‘Welcome to Napa, California.’
Hope fills me.Maybe I will be able to get back home.
Napa, my parents have gone away on weekends together to Napa leaving us girls behind while they rekindle their marriage. They’ve always told us how beautiful it is, especially with the wineries all around them. They usually go once or twice a year to get some time out, especially with their hectic careers.
We drive through beautiful fields of grapes, and the sunshine is cascading down on the vines. If this were another time, I would appreciate my surroundings, but it’s not. Right now, I’m being taken to my new home with my Master. I watch him out of the corner of my eye and see he’s on his cell.
If only I could get that cell, then maybe I could call my parents.
Master looks at me. “I’m guessing by now you know where we are?”
“Um… yes. We’re in Napa.”
“That’s correct. Now tell me, Red, have you ever been to Napa?”