After my shower, I applied a little makeup, and when I walked out of the bathroom, my Masterwas there waiting for me. I could see the disapproval in his eyes, the way he traveled them down my body and up again. I stared down at my clothing and wondered if I was wearing the correct clothes because I thought I looked good when I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

He walked up to me and said, “Where’s your red lipstick? I want you wearing that whenever you’re in my presence. I won’t tell you again.”

I remember thinking that he couldn’t be serious, but when I saw the look on his face, I knew he was. Scared of what would happen if I disobeyed him, I walked back into the bathroom and applied the red lipstick.

Here I am now, standing out the front of the house waiting for Master, or Sir Lawrence, as he talks to the limousine driver. I look frantically back at the house, remembering when I arrived here and how Paige and I were scared out of our minds.

Everything’s gone into fast motion since.

Has it only been a day since I was sold?

Trying frantically to get a glimpse of Paige, I’m disappointed when no one will answer any of my questions. I tried so hard to get information out of the stupid maid, but all she would say was, “Ask your Master.”

Feeling defeated and lost that my whole world is falling apart around me, I realize that my life as it was is now in the past. The girl who had dreams of going to Harvard and being a surgeon, they no longer exist. The thought of what is to become of me now is beyond my comprehension.

Master looks back at me, and for a second, I take him in. Chiseled jaw, green eyes that turn blue when the sun shines, dark black hair, and olive skin. He has a day-old growth of hair on his face which only adds to his masculinity. He’s wearing black pants with a strong crease down the front, a white shirt tucked into them, and a silver buckle belt. This time he’s sans tie, with two buttons undone at the opening of the collar, and his cuffs are folded back showing off his forearms.

Master walks to me, and I can’t help but freeze in position. The arrogance flows off him in waves, and his soul-crushing stare has me scared half to death. He grasps my arm, pulling me toward the car, and the driver opens the back door of the limousine. Master forces me in the back, and I slide over to the other side of the seat as far as I can go when he sits beside me. The driver takes off, and I feel his eyes on me. I continue to look out the window when he says, “Say goodbye to your old life, Red. Your new life will be full of… mmm… how shall I put this…” I turn to look at him, waiting to hear what he says, “… surprises.” Master smiles.

“May I speak,” I ask, wanting to know more information.

He nods.

“Where is your house?”

His smile vanishes, and he looks out the window while running his hand down his left thigh. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

I may be able to speak, but I am now more than aware I am still not privileged to any useful information.

We stay quiet for the rest of the drive, and now and then I catch his eyes on me.

Driving through a set of security gates, there’s a jet parked ahead.

We’re flying to his home.

This time when I’m escorted out of the limousine and to the staircase of the plane, I’m not tied up, drugged, or gagged, so I suppose that’s a plus.

“Mr. Lawrence, your plane awaits you, sir,” the man standing by the plane says.

“Thank you, Dion.”

Dion nods to me, then Master holds my arm while we make our way up the stairs. Once inside, I take a look around. The plane has black leather seats with a mahogany-colored table between two chairs on either side of the plane. Master walks me to a seat and promptly asks me to sit. I do as he says and adjust myself as best I can.

He looks down at me, his eyes piercing mine. “Do I need to bind you? Or are you going to be a good girl?”

“I’ll be good,” I answer, not wanting to be tied up again.

“Excellent.” He spins on his heels and takes a seat on the other side of the plane, pulls out a laptop, and begins to type. I look over at him until Dion steps in front of me and asks, “Can I get you something?”

“Just some water, please.” He smiles, and it’s sincere.

Maybe Dion can help me?

The pilot steps out of the cockpit, has a word with Master, and then he turns to me, saying, “Buckle up, please, ma’am, we’re about to take off.”

I grab the seat belt, buckle it, and then inhale trying to calm my nerves. As the engines come to life, I stare out the window, and we take off. Slowly ascending into the air, I shut my eyes and squeeze the hand rests on the side of my chair never liking this part of flying.

Dion returns with my water and a glass of amber liquid for Master. I drink my water right away feeling parched and place the glass back on the table. I watch Master as he sips his liquid, catching his eye now and then.