“Mexico City? What? Let me see that.”
Tracker gets out of the seat allowing me to take his place, I scoot the chair in closer and watch the green dot. Watching the screen, she’s definitely in Mexico City.
What the fuck is going on?
I look at the map of Mexico showing Merida and can see they would need to fly to Mexico City due to the sheer distance. I look up at Tracker. “Somethin’ ain’t right, she told me she was headin’ to a resort in Merida.”
Tracker shrugs. “Maybe their family decided to split up their trip and head there instead?”
I nibble on my thumbnail, keeping my eyes focused on the screen. “Maybe, but then why is she not answerin’ my calls or texts.”
“Brother, did you ever think about the fact that maybe she doesn’t want to speak to you?”
I punch Tracker in the ribs, and he bends over pretending it hurts like hell, then he straightens. “You wanted to know where she was, and there she is. Well, her phone is, anyway. I’m going out for another drink. You comin’?”
I stare at the screen in thought,something just doesn’t make sense.
Tracker taps my shoulder. “You hear me? You comin’ out?”
I look over my shoulder at Tracker. “I’ll be right behind you.”
He taps my back. “Okay, let me know if you need anything else. I’ll get another beer for you.”
Not really listening to what he’s saying, I give him a nod.
I sit there for a while, grab my phone, and check Lexi’s messages. She sent me one of her in a hot black bikini, one I would never approve of, and I smile remembering how I had demanded she not buy it. She’s headstrong and likes to play games, but I have to admit the quality is endearing.
“I’m comin’,” I growl when the door to Tracker’s room opens again, when I turn around, it’s Torch standing there.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” I state, still looking at Lexi’s hot as fuck body in that bikini.
“Ireallythink you should come out here and see this.”
Something about the way Torch’s voice is sounding has me snapping my head around to him
Something’s up, I can tell by the way he’s looking at the floor.
“Spit it out. What’s goin’ on?”
“It’s Lexi,” he states as he looks up at me.
Immediately I stand, causing the chair to fall back onto the ground. “What about her?”
“Her folks are on the TV.”
“Her folks are on the TV?” I reiterate.
He pushes the door wide. “I think it’s best you come out and see for yourself.”
I storm past him and head out to the Sinners’ games room and notice most of the brothers are standing around a television. I can hear the sounds of a woman who’s crying.
Once in the room, I pass all the brothers who have crowded around the television, then stand right in front of it—there’s an older woman and man with the news reporters. The headline running across the screen reads ‘Lost teenage girls in Mexico.’ My heart sinks as I focus on the news ticker, and fall to my knees when two pictures of the lost girls are shown, and one of them is Lexi.
The reporter is talking. “The girls were last seen heading out on a tour with these two men…” Two images now replace Lexi and her sister. I move in closer trying to embed their images in my brain. “The two men took the two girls out in a 2019 yellow Jeep.” An image of their car pops up, and I can see the license plate number plate clearly.
I quickly grab my phone and type the license plate number in the memory in case I need it later.