The reporter continues, “Paige Ambers is sixteen and her sister, Alexandra, known by Lexi, is eighteen. They were last spotted outside an enchilada food truck in Merida with the two men. They have now been missing for five days, and Mr. and Mrs. Ambers are extremely concerned for their welfare.”
The screen flashes to Mr. and Mrs. Ambers. “Our daughters are on vacation with us so we can spend some time together before our eldest daughter, Alexandra, heads to medical school. Lexi, short for Alexandra, plans to go to Harvard in the fall to study to be a surgeon like her father.” She looks at her husband. “This holiday was supposed to be a relaxing vacation for them, so we can spend some family time together.”
The reporter then says, “One of the men, who had been seen with the girls, worked at the resort, but has since disappeared. He goes by the name of Pepe. The other man is unknown. However, he was seen talking to Pepe before the girls’ disappearance.”
An image of the two men appears with them in deep conversation at what looks like the resort.
The screen flashes back to the reporter, and she continues, “Images show the two girls getting into the Jeep with the kidnappers.”
Fear grips me when I watch the images come up with Lexi and Paige getting into the back of the Jeep.
“We’re now going to take it back to the parents.”
I continue to watch, my eyes glued to the television not wanting to miss a single word.
This can’t be happening.
“Please, if you have seen either of my daughters, contact the authorities, the number is below on the screen. We just want our daughters back. They are good girls and have got their whole lives ahead of them. They’re beautiful girls. Please… please if you have seen them, I beg you to call us, even if you think it’s nothing. It doesn’t matter, any information could be important.” Mrs. Ambers cries into her tissue as Mr. Ambers hugs her to him.
He continues while struggling to speak through his emotions, “To the men who have my two girls…” he sniffles then continues, “… please bring them back. We want them home. I’m willing to pay good money to those who deliver them back to us. We plan to stay in Mexico for as long as possible. We won’t be leaving until we have our daughters safe and in our arms.”
I copy the number that’s flashing in the news ticker at the bottom of the screen and notice the room has gone quiet. I look around and see that all the brothers’ eyes are on me as I stand.
“What?” I ask, my hand tightening around the cell I am grasping, needing, no wanting, to punch something, anything.
Prez is the one who steps in next to me, and he places his hand on my shoulder. “Wewillget them back,” he says with a reassuring tone.
“There’s no fuckin’ doubt about that,” I growl in reply.
I turn back to the television feeling like I’m going out of my mind as they continue to show image after image of Lexi and her sister from when they were young playing as kids, to both of them at home, at the beach, and lastly a picture of them recently at Lexi’s graduation.
I’m going to fucking punch something.
I let this happen to her. I shouldn’t have let her go.
But what was I supposed to do? Tell her not to, it’s a family vacation.
Why was she in the car with those two men?
Did she like one of them?” Jealousy consumes and eats at my pride.
I’ll fucking kill you for touching her.
They better pray she hasn’t got one mark on her because Iwillkill them. She’s been through so much as it is, and now she’s been taken. Deep down in my gut, I know why, it’s hard to keep those images from my mind. Mexico is known as one of the human trafficking capitals. A cartel that goes by the name of Clemente is the largest drug smugglers and traffickers in the entire world. I know this because when we helped out with Luke’s sister, this was information Tracker came by.
I look up at Tracker, and he mouths, “I got you.”
I nod ready to fly to Mexico right this minute and find the fuckers. With anger burning within, I storm to the room I’m sharing with Torch, ready to go and kill the motherfuckers who have touchedmygirl. I’m not willing to take a chance and waste any more time. I kneel to grab my duffel bag from under the bed and begin to throw my stuff into it, packing as quick as I can.
Prez enters my room along with Tate, Gunner, Tracker, Torch, and a few more of the boys, but they just stand there staring at me.
These fuckers! What do they think this is? A goddamn show?
I ignore them, heading to the bathroom and grabbing some more shit, and then reach under the mattress where I’ve left my blade and gun.
“Boys, leave us,” I hear Prez demand, and one by one, they head out.
“Tracker and Tate stay with us, ” Prez adds.