Page 30 of Santa & His Elf

“What’s the difference?” Doc volleys, and he’s got me there.

“How am I supposed to be Santa if this is our… whatever this is… for the next nine months? It is nine months, right?” I check, needing to know all the facts.

With the whole elf and human, both males mix, it could be more than nine months. Sure, we’re built similarly with almost the exact DNA, but elves are magical beings. When the Easter Bunny found his partner, who is human, their pregnancies produced multiples, and they were only pregnant for four and a half months. It’s in the Legendary tome. I checked it last week.

“Yes. It’s nine months,” Doc confirms with a nod. “You’ll have to take him with you. You take breaks. Then you carry on.”

“So there’s nothing we can do?”

“Nothing you should want to do. I know it’s inconvenient, but I promise it’ll improve once your son or daughter is born.”

“And if it doesn’t?” I counter.

“It will.” Doc pats my arm. “His hormones are heightened, and so is his scent. Your desires feed his desires. It’s a cycle.”

“And somehow, neither of us is ever sore.”

“You’re Santa,” he announces, as if that somehow explains everything.

There’s not a single human on Earth capable of having the sex Pepper and I do. Anyone else would be in pain, they’d stop producing cum, and their dick’s might even fall off. But not us.

I nod along, not knowing how else to respond. “Right. I am.”

“And now you’re gonna be a dad.”


How did we get ourselves into this mess? We haven’t even been together, officially together, for more than a little over a month. I’ve met his parents once. No. Twice. I’ve met his parents twice. How are they gonna take it when we break the news? Sorry. I knocked up your son. It was an accident.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I inhale deeply, hold it for a moment, and blow it out.

I’m going to be a dad.

When I took over for my father, I never thought I’d find a Mrs. Claus to bear my children. I figured I’d serve alone. Now look at me.


A husband.

A father.

Swaying on my feet, I use the exam table to hold me up. “This is a lot to take in.”

Wiping Pepper’s stomach clean, Doc tucks his shirt back down. “I know it is. But you’ve got this, and you’ve got each other. I’ll send Pepper home with prenatal vitamins and book him checkups like I do with all my patients. Everything’s going to go splendidly.”

That’s easy for him to say. He’s not about to be a dad after becoming Santa and getting a partner.

Standing upright, I tug the hem of my shirt and smooth the cotton across my chest. “You sound so sure.”

Doc hums. “Everything happens for a reason, and I did warn you that this would happen.”

“I know.”

He did say if we didn’t take precautions, we could end up pregnant.

We did.

It couldn’t be stopped.