Page 31 of Santa & His Elf

Blowing out an emotional breath, I trace the contours of my handsome elf’s face.

Right on time, he blinks up at me as if coming out of a dream, and I smile down at him.

“Nick?” Pepper’s voice is adorably groggy

I brush across the bow of his lips. “Doc gave you a sedative.”

Tears well in Pepper’s eyes. “I almost hit him.”

“I know, sweetheart.”

“I didn’t mean it.”

Overflowing with joy, Doc stands on the opposite side of the exam table and pats Pepper’s shoulder. “It’s okay.” Then he turns around, rips off the string of pictures from the ultrasound machine, and offers them to my elf.

Looking awkwardly confused, Pepper inspects the grainy photos. “What’s that?” He points to the little blob.

“That’s our baby,” I explain, hoping he takes the news well.

“That’s our, what?!” he shrills.

Not missing a beat, Doc carefully explains what’s on the photos and goes over the same sexual phenomenon with Pepper as he did me. Scents. High drive. The works.

“We’re having a baby,andI won’t be able to stop having sex with my husband for the next nine months?”

“Eight-ish months, but yes,” Doc confirms as Pepper struggles to sit up. Grabbing his biceps, both Doc and I help him upright.

“What about Christmas?” He looks between us both, seeking an answer.

I rest my hand on his knee. “You’ll ride with me to deliver the presents. I’ll have the elves build a cozy bed in the back of the sled for you to rest.”

“And we’ll…”

“Stop whenever we need to have sex.”

“On the sled in front of the girls.”

“They’re reindeer. They’ll understand.”

Pepper’s face scrunches up. “Butwhat if they don’t?”

A laugh bubbles out of my throat. “We’ll talk to the elves and see what they can come up with.” They’ll be more than accommodating. They’re elves. That’s what they do. There’s not a problem they can’t solve.

“You’ll tell them about our… you know…” Pepper’s cheeks flame as he motions between us.

“We probably should, considering it’ll last another eight months, and we don’t need them to worry.”

“Everyone will know,” he whisper-hisses.

“Yes. But they’re getting a new baby out of this, and you know how much elves love new babies.”

Pepper nods. “They’re going to freak.”

He’s not wrong.

“Yep, and they’ll spoil the heck out of you and our child.”

“We’re going to be parents,” he states as if that little nugget is finally soaking in.